This article provides a comprehensive guide to Site Administration in Tivian Communicate XI (CXI). It covers key aspects such as assigning and removing Site Administrators, managing invitation policies, setting up account branding, and system integrations.

The article explains how to control access permissions for different email domains or addresses, customize the company’s visual identity within the platform, and integrate with HRIS systems. It’s an essential resource for users responsible for managing their organization’s CXI account settings and policies.


The Site Administration space in Tivian Communicate XI (CXI) is where the invitation policies for your company’s teams are managed, your company’s branding is added, and where system integrations are set up. This area of CXI is only available to users who have been designated as Site Administrators.


Note: Site Administration access only applies to the Administration area of the site. Access to Communicate Journey teams or the Communicate Message team must be granted individually.

Assigning Site Administrators

Tivian will assign a Site Administrator in your company to default as the first Site Administrator for your company’s account. This will enable that Site Administrator to then add other Site Administrators. Consider who will be the “gatekeeper(s)” in charge of designating account level policies for your CXI account. Site Administrators are in charge of setting the invitation policies, assigning email domains/specific email addresses to policy permission levels, uploading brand colors and company logo, and helping to set up HRIS, Slack, and Microsoft Teams integration.

  1. Start in Site Administration, select the Administrators section.
  2. To add a Site Administrator, click the plus icon in the top right of the table.
  3. Enter their email address.
  4. The Description section is there if you want to include a note for that person, for example: IT Department.
  5. Click Save. Once the invitation has been sent, any Site Administrators already assigned will be notified of the invite via email.

6.  The invitation will show as pending until they log in to the site. If needed, you can click Resend Invite at any time.


7. Once they have accepted the invitation, current Site Administrators will be notified of the accepted invitation via email.


The pencil icon to the right of a Site Administrator allows you to edit the description for that specific user.

Removing Site Administrators

  1. To remove a Site Administrator, click the trash icon.

2.  You will receive a warning with the option to cancel. Click Confirm to finalize the Site Administrator removal.



You cannot remove yourself as a Site Administrator. You will need to have another Site Administrator remove you. The trash icon is greyed out and unavailable to remove yourself.


When Administrator is removed, all current Site Administrators  are notified of the removal.

Administrating policies

The Policies section is where Site Administrators define the policies for the entire company account. These policies allow or deny permissions to an email domain or specified email address.

The asterisk at the top of the table is the default for the account’s policies. If you want to have a fully permissive default policy then you would select all the boxes for the asterisk. If all the boxes are selected, all email domains and addresses can be invited to a CXI team. If your company is more restrictive, then you can adjust the boxes accordingly.


You cannot delete the asterisk as it is the default, regardless if other email domains/addresses exist.

  1. To add an email domain, click the plus icon in the top right of the table.

2. Enter the email domain. You can also add a specific email address if you need to provide a specific user permissions to collaborate in your account.

3.  The Description space is the opportunity for you to include any notes for that email domain or address. For example, when adding a collaborator outside of your company’s domain, you could put “Consultant” in the description next to their address, so other Site Administrators are aware of this addition.

4.  Select the permissions allowed for this email domain/address.

The permissions are separated into five categories:

  • Own
  • Edit
  • Run
  • Approver
  • Viewer

By clicking on the box for that permission set, you are allowing that specific email domain/address access to that level of permissions. You can select one, a few, or all, depending on what that specific domain or address needs access to.

Policies are not set in stone. If you decide that a domain or address needs more or fewer permissions, you can change them at any time.

To learn more about permissions and Team Access, read the Team Access article.

5. Once you are finished click Save.


If you want to edit the permissions for an existing email domain, click the pencil icon in the row the domain/address is listed. If you want to remove an email domain/address, click the trash icon in the row that the domain/address is listed.

Before adding team members to Communicate Journeys or Communicate Messages, ensure that your Site Administrator has added the correct email domains to the User Policy section.

Account brand

The Account brand section is where you can upload your company’s logo and set your company’s brand colors. The company logo and brand colors will be shown in the audience view of the content experience and branded emails.

Logo should be a .png file with a transparent background. Size should be 300 pixels wide by 90 pixels high for horizontal logos, and 150 pixels by 150 pixels for square or round logos. We recommend a white version of your logo.


A Branded Content Experience


A Branded Campaign Email branded-email.png

System integrations

The More section is where the system integrations with CXI are housed. With the assistance of your IT team and Tivian, you can set up an integration between your HRIS system and Tivian’s public APIs. (Talk to your Tivian specialist for more information.)


How do I add a new Site Administrator?

To add a new Site Administrator, go to the Administrators section in Site Administration, click the plus icon, enter the new administrator’s email address and an optional description, then click Save. An invitation will be sent to the new administrator, which they need to accept to gain access.

What are the different permission levels in the Policies section?

The Policies section includes five permission categories: Own, Edit, Run, Approver, and Viewer. Site Administrators can assign these permissions to specific email domains or addresses, controlling the level of access users have within the CXI platform.

How can I set up my company’s branding in CXI?

To set up your company’s branding, go to the Account brand section. Here, you can upload your company logo (preferably a .png file with a transparent background) and set your brand colors. The recommended logo size is 300×90 pixels for horizontal logos or 150×150 pixels for square or round logos. These branding elements will appear in the audience view of content experiences and branded emails.

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