This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to add and manage videos in Tivian Communicate XI (CXI). It covers video requirements, the upload process, and detailed instructions on editing video settings.

The article explains how to configure various aspects of a video asset, including content details, publish state, call-to-action buttons, feedback options, and sharing capabilities. It also highlights the importance of videos in creating engaging content for employees within a Communicate Journey.

You must hold the permission status of Owner or Editor to upload video or other content, create content headers, polls, and ratings, or administer call to action buttons. Read more about team access and permissions here.


Videos bring depth to a Communicate Journey, as they can be very engaging pieces of content. Whether it is a video about the history of the company or a message from the CEO, they can give the employees a sense of the company through the company’s own lens. PDFs and infographics act as a way to support the video content to provide an overall holistic experience. When an employee clicks into a video, it starts playing in that same window.

Video Requirements

Uploading a video to Tivian Communicate XI (CXI) takes just a few steps. Before you begin, check to make sure the video you want to upload meets the requirements below.

 Video file requirements:

  • .mp4
  • High definition
  • 16:9 aspect ratio

Thumbnail file requirements:

  • SVG, PNG, or JPEG
  • 1024×576 pixels, or larger
  • 16:9 aspect ratio

Uploading a video

  1. Open the Communicate Journey® that the video will be uploaded to.
  2. In the Experience section in the Setup area at the top, under Add, click Content.

3. Select Video from the content options.

4. Enter a title for the asset, which will appear above the video in the experience.

5. Upload a video by clicking Select a File.

6. CXI can generate closed captions for your video automatically, or you can upload an unformatted text file (.TXT)  of the script or transcript. The system will put the closed captions in the correct place. If you have access to a closed caption file (.VTT) you can upload that here.

7. Under Location, select the parent piece of content or content header that this video will follow, in the content experience.

8. If you want to adjust the order in which it will appear under the parent piece, click the Order tab and select the space you want to move it to.


If the video is the first asset you upload to a blank journey it will be the anchor of your communication journey’s content. All additional content headers and content will be linked to it.

9. Once you are finished, click Save.


A generic thumbnail of the video will appear in the Experience section. Once the video is uploaded it will appear in Draft mode and will be invisible to your audience until it is published.

Editing video settings

Click the pencil icon on the video’s thumbnail to open the content asset settings window. This window has five tabs: Content, Publish State, Action, Feedback, and Share.


Content tab:

    • Title: Review the title of this video, which appears above the video in the employee content experience.
    • Other Labels drop-down menu includes:
      • Short Title: Optional shorter title displayed in the content experience for navigation purposes.
      • Intro Text: Optional text onscreen under the video within the content experience. This can be used to add context to the content or to give the viewer additional directions.
      • ID: Tivian-created pieces of content will include a designated ID for production tracking. You can use this field if you have an internal tracking system for your content.
    • File: Review the current uploaded file name. You can upload over the existing one at any time to update or change the asset.
    • Thumbnail: Upload a custom thumbnail to represent the video. The thumbnail will be the graphic incorporated into your campaign message (email, poster, etc.). Some general thumbnails are available for download here.
    • Location:
      • Parent: Select the content header or piece of content that this video will follow in the content experience.
      • Order: Select the order in which this video will appear, under the parent piece, along with the other child pieces.

Publish state tab

    • Publish State: Change the publish state of your asset to ‘Published’. The video can now be viewed within your Communicate Journey.
    • Set availability when published: If you want to show the video only for a set amount of time, you can toggle on this option. It will also show the time zone set for the Communicate Journey you are currently in. (For more information, read the Default Send Times article.)


Action tab:

Configure a Call to Action button that will take your employees to a designated URL. You can select a default option or create a custom one specifically for this video.

  • Default: Use the default Call to Action button that has been set up in the Defaults area at the top of the Experience section.
  • Custom: Create a unique Call to Action button with its own URL for this piece of content.



Feedback tab:

  • Add a multiple-choice poll or rating to appear after your video, in the content experience. See Polls and Ratings to learn more.



Share tab:

You can copy the share link, thumbnail, QR code or keyword text message that leads the viewer to the uploaded video, within the content experience.

This is also a place that you can download the video’s thumbnail to create a trackable thumbnail or to use the thumbnail graphic for other campaign messaging.

Note: The links in the Share tab are intended for internal reviews which only register as engagement. If you need a trackable link as a part of your Communicate Journey, Tivian recommends creating a trackable asset link in your campaign timeline, see Create a Trackable Asset Link for more information.


Next steps

  • Visit the Analytics section after the video has been released to track its engagement.
  • Do you have a piece of content that is related to this video, or a document that further explains your program? Upload it and make this video it’s “parent” so that your employees will see it after they’ve viewed this asset.


What are the video file requirements for uploading to CXI?

The video file requirements for CXI are: .mp4 format, high definition quality, and 16:9 aspect ratio. For thumbnails, the requirements are SVG, PNG, or JPEG format, 1024×576 pixels or larger, and 16:9 aspect ratio.

How do I edit video settings after uploading?

To edit video settings, click the pencil icon on the video’s thumbnail to open the content asset settings window. This window has five tabs: Content, Publish State, Action, Feedback, and Share. Each tab allows you to modify different aspects of the video, such as title, publish state, call-to-action buttons, feedback options, and sharing capabilities.

Can I add closed captions to my uploaded video?

Yes, CXI can generate closed captions for your video automatically. Alternatively, you can upload an unformatted text file (.TXT) of the script or transcript, or a closed caption file (.VTT) if you have one available. The system will place the closed captions in the correct position.

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