This article provides a comprehensive guide on how to create and manage Guides in the Tivian platform. It covers the setup, configuration, and execution of different types of guides, including Leadership Guides, Team Improvement Guides, and Ideation Guides.


Two things are necessary to implement a guide project. First, you have to connect the guide project to a Personalized Survey. Second, you have to activate this survey.

Connecting a PE project to a guide

Open Projects → {selected project} → Survey Menu → Project Properties → Template Configuration. You have to select Guides to specify the usage.

Template Configuration.png

Click the Save button.

Activating the PE project

You have to activate the selected PE project. Change the project status by clicking on Active.

Survey Menu.png

Creating the survey for the IDEA-Guide

You can use the Suggestions question type to create an Ideation Guide survey. If you use this question type, you will have to specify the Ideation Trigger. Due to this trigger, the suggestions made in the v survey will be transferred to the Voting page module of Portals.

Ideation Trigger.png

On the Settings tab, you assign a name, write a short description, select an execution position, and the conditions. On the Detail Configuration tab, you select the source question. The answers of these questions made by the participants will be sent to the Voting page module of Portals. You have to click on Save.

Please Note: To unlock the Ideation Trigger, you have to connect the PE project to your guide and activate the PE project. Once the portal and guides are created, Go to Portals >> Portal >> Guides >> Guide >> Questionaire, On the Questionnaire tab of the Guides sub-navigation, you must also select the Ideation Guide survey and click on the Save button.


It is possible to send the guide survey and the e-mails in the languages preferred by the participants. You have to specify the Locale option. You have to switch to the Participants Administration. The Locale master data will also be used to display a portal in the language selected by users when they log in. The selected language must have been configured.

Panelist Administration.png

The created survey languages can be selected. This ensures that participants receive the e-mails, SMS, and survey according to this language setting. If no e-mail template, SMS template, or survey is available in the selected language, the default language will be the fallback. This also applies if the locale option has not been specified.

Panelist Variables.png

In the Template Configuration, which can be found under Project Properties, you can add the u_locale master data as a panelist variable in order to transfer the master data to your guide project.

Creating a Guide Process

To create and configure one of the three guide types, Leadership-Guide (ME-Guide), Team-Improvement-Guide (US-Guide), or Ideation-Guide (IDEA-Guide), first open the subnavigation Guides in the CMS area of Portals and click on the + New Guide Button. Then select the desired guide type.

Guide Modal.png

Basic Information

Use the Basic Information tab to give the newly added guide a title, enter a short description, and upload an image to give the guide initiator with some basic information about your guide project. The title, description, and image will be displayed on the guide overview page.

Additional Information

On the Additional Information tab, you can add texts, photos, videos, and links in order to. inform the guide initiator about the purpose of the guide project. This information will be available by clicking on the More Details Button.


On the Categories tab, categories can be applied to the guide. To create a category, click on the link icon and switch to the Categories menu item (Libraries).


The selected categories will be available in the guide setup. To assign a question to a category, you have to switch to the Questionnaire Editor of the PE project. Open the configuration menu of the question and select the desired category.

Questionaire Editor Categories.png

Then switch to Project Properties and click on the Template Configuration menu item. In the “Question Preview in Guide Setup” area, you can now add the question to which you have assigned the category and click Save. All questions of the questionnaire can be selected.

Question's Preview.png

Multilingualism (categories)

The labels of the guide categories can be displayed in the e-mail conversation of your guide via the #guidewave_category_label# placeholder. They can also be displayed in the language preferred by the participant. You only need to create the labels of the guide categories in the language preferred by the participant.


On the Questionnaire tab, you can select the questionnaire. You can also decide whether additional questions should be shown in the guide setup. The guide initiator can then activate these additional questions to dive deeper.


To provide these additional questions, you must first create a context variable. Switch to the Template Configuration menu item. In the “Context Variables” area, create a context variable by clicking on Create Context Variables and selecting the type checkbox. Enter a name such as “Deep Dive”.

Context Variables.png

Then open the questionnaire editor of your PE project. Create a filter and its condition for the “Deep Dive” questions. In order to specify the filter condition, you must select the context variable created as a variable in the filter definition, set the condition to greater than or equal to, and the code to 1.

Filter Definition.png

Now, the additional questions are ready to use. On the Questionnaire tab, you can also enter a description of the context variable. You can use a slide switch to determine whether the additional questions should be enabled by default. If you activate this option, the additional questions will be part of the survey.

After you have published the guide, you will not be able to select another questionnaire. The selection will be final.


In order to send out the survey in the language preferred by the participants, switch to the Language editor and define a language selection variable like u_wave_locale. If participants have been assigned one of the standard languages via Locale, the survey is sent out in the assigned language. Another prerequisite is that the survey is available in the language.

Language versions

To be able to offer different labels and phrases in different languages in one survey, which is common practice in 360° leadership surveys, you now have the possibility to create variants (e.g. of English) within a language by assigning a condition variable, defining a comparison value, setting u_wave_locale as language selection variable and checking the option “Assign language based on ISO code”.

Language Editor.png

Proceed as follows:

  • In the questionnaire editor, select the menu item Language Editor and click Create Language.
  • In addition to the known settings that you have to make, assign a name, select the language identifier, and choose the language from which survey messages and text elements are to be taken, create a condition such as u_guidewave_rater_group = sys_rg_self_assessment.
  • The operator used for the condition is = and cannot be changed.

Survey participants whose preferred language has been stored in the panelist administration via the Locale will not only be given the language corresponding to this code at the start of the survey but also the variants of the preferred language corresponding to the condition. For example, the team participating in a 360° leadership survey answers the questions in a variant of German that is tailored to them in terms of phrases, while in the self-assessment the phrases of the preferred survey language that are tailored to the guide initiator are asked.

As soon as you check the option “Assign language by ISO code” and click the Save button, you can specify the condition for the language variants.

A prerequisite is that the phrases have been created.

E-Mail settings

On the E-Mail settings tab, you can select e-mail templates, e.g. for the invitations e-mails and results e-mails.

E-Mail Settings.png

To create an e-mail template on your own or to edit an existing template, first click on the link. A template that will be used for your guide project must be created as a New draft for projects. Therefore, click on the + New draft button and select + New draft for projects.

To create multilingual e-mail templates, first open the Mail templates menu item. Either select an existing e-mail template or create a completely new template in the default language. Add then the translation. For this purpose, each template has an “Additional translations” section. This area will be enabled, as soon as you will save the template you created.

Additional Translations.png

Click on the + New button to create your translation of the e-mail template. A selection and input dialog will be opened.

E-Mail Text.png

You have to select the language ID according to the desired language. You can now translate the mail text (including HTML). Then click on the Save button. The created translations are listed in the “Additional translations” area and can be edited or deleted there. To edit them, simply click on the link or the Edit icon.

In order to send panelists an e-mail or an SMS in their preferred language, a language must be defined in the u_locale variable (e.g. French). This variable is used to check whether an e-mail template has the corresponding translation. If no translation is available, the e-mail is sent in the default language. This also applies if no language has been stored in the u_locale variable.


You can use placeholders. Especially for the Ideation Guide, many helpful placeholders are available.

PlaceholderMeaningGuide Types
#link_to_portal#Link to the portal (with registration code valid for one day)US, ME, IDEA
#portal_access_url#Link to portal with login codevalid for 2 hours by defaultcan be changed by adding the desired duration using pipe parameters (e.g. #portal_access_url|24#)US, ME, IDEA
#u_personal_manager_message#The personal message of the guide initiator entered in the guide setup will be displayed.US, ME, IDEA
#u_guidewave_rater_group#The rater group of the invited participant (e.g. manager) will be displayed.ME
#u_wave_expire_date#End date of the guide surveyUS, ME, IDEA
#u_wave_date#Start date of the guide surveyUS, ME, IDEA
#u_wave_name#Name of the invited group (US-Guide), name of the guide (ME-Guide)US, ME
#u_wave_locale#Selected portal language of the invited panelist (guide)US, ME, IDEA
#voting_page_link#The complete and unencrypted link to the voting pageIDEA
#action_board_link#The complete and unencrypted link to the Action BoardIDEA
#guide_status_link#The complete and unencrypted link to the status page of your guide. The duration of the generated login code will be stored in the new placeholder and will be corresponding to the time specified on the Settings tab.configuration for the grouping phase. The duration can be changed by means of pipe parameters:Examples:#guide_status_link|20m# (= 20 minutes)#guide_status_link|5h#   (= 5 hours)#guide_status_link|2d#  (= 2 days)IDEA
#guideinitiator#First and last name of the guide initiatorIDEA
#guideinitiator|firstname#First name of the guide initiatorIDEA

Offline participants

To declare panelists as offline participants, first set the m_offlineuser master data to 1 (= yes) in the Panelist administration of the People module. In Guides (in Portals) select the appropriate template under the E-mail Settings tab and configure the code voucher under the Offline Participants tab. These vouchers are then sent by email as a PDF to the person who initiated the survey. They can also be downloaded from the Guide Status page in Portals. The intention is for the person who initiates the Guide to then print off the vouchers, and distribute them in person to the offline participants. The vouchers include a unique participation code, a QR code that links to the survey, the first and last name of the participant, and the survey URL.

In order to mask the dummy e-mail address, this dummy e-mail address is replaced by the placeholder Offline Participant in both the participant list and the search results.


The Leadership-Guide (ME-Guide) is used to conduct 360° leadership surveys. On the Rater-Groups tab, you can specify the rater groups. These groups are going to rate the focus person.


The rater-groups are configurable. The Self-assessment rater group can be deactivated. Uncheck the checkbox. The guide initiator will then no longer be invited to the survey and will not receive any reminder e-mails. However, he will still be informed by e-mail about the results of the survey and will receive voucher codes (if there are offline participants).

Rater-Group labelLabel of the rater-group 
DescriptionShort Description of the rater-group 
Preselected company-managed groupYou select which of the available company-managed groups should be preselected in the guide setup. 
ParticipantsYou define how high the “Minimum number of participants” and “Maximum number of participants” can be, you control how many participants can or must be added. 
Anonymity criteriaYou can specify an anonymity criteria for the rater-groups. You specify the minimum number of participants that must participate in the survey in order to maintain their anonymity. You use this value to define when a guide process was successful and when results are displayed. 
Allow removing a preselected groupYou determine whether the pre-selected group can be removed by the guide initiator. 
OptionalWith this slide switch you can adjust whether the entire feedback provider group including the participant selection may be skipped. 
Adding participants allowedBy activating this option, the guide initiator can add participants to a group 

Process Control

In the guide configuration, you use the Process Control tab to define under which conditions the survey process is considered successful or unsuccessful and which actions this should entail. In addition, you define the actions that are executed immediately after the guide is started.

Process Control.png

Start of Process

In the “Start of Process” section, you can define actions that will be executed after the guide has been started. First, press the green + icon and use the drop-down arrow to open the configuration.

Start of Process.png

In order to send an e-mail after the start of the guide, you have to define the recipient, i.e. guide initiator, panelist whose e-mail address you enter in the free text field, or panelist to be determined via a master data variable. This variable must be a text-type variable. You have to select the e-mail template to be sent.

End of Process

In the first section, you specify the conditions that define the process as successful. If you have activated Self-Assessment, the first condition is, that the Self-Assessment is completed. As the second condition, enter the Number of Rater-Groups above the anonymity-threshold.

End of Process.png

The section is divided into the following three sections:

  • Definition of a successful process
  • Define actions to be triggered on successful process
  • Define actions to be triggered on unsuccessful process

Then, in the second and third sections, determine which actions should be triggered if your process is considered successful or unsuccessful. The following options are available:

  • Order report: In the Report Manager, a report is ordered based on the settings made in the guide configuration (Settings > Report-Manager Connection). This is created in PDF format and in the portal language of the guide creator.
  • Create action: Specify here whether an Action should be created in the Action Board (with a certain due date, where appropriate).
  • Send e-mail: You can choose to send an e-mail to the guide initiator or to a panelist whose e-mail address you should enter. Also, select the appropriate mail template.
  • Update Master data: The date on which the successful process occurred is added to the selected master data variable.

For a process that has been classified as unsuccessful, only the actions Send e-mail and Update Master data are available.

In addition, you now have a process control error log that logs possible errors that may occur when executing the defined actions after a successful or unsuccessful process.

The actions can be combined with each other and the same action can be selected several times.


On the Results tab, you can set a link to the MySight module page within your portal. You select a MySight project, a workbook, and a view. The dashboard that you display through the MySight Pages module does not have to be the same as the one offered through Guides. To launch your guide, publish it.

Leadership Guide (ME Guide)

To present the results of a survey conducted using the Leadership Guide within your portal, specify the dashboard configuration. The dashboards are created using Tableau. The MySight portal page module provides access to the dashboard. To select the “Target page for results” option, select the MySight module, which must first be placed on a page in portals. Then select the appropriate MySight project, workbook, and view.

Results Leadership Guides.png

You also define whether and to whom the result e-mail should be sent. The following options are available:

  • No e-mail
  • All participants
  • Guide initiator only

Team Improvement Guide (US Guide)

Within your portal, you present the results of the Team Improvement Guide (US-Guide) via dashboards. The Results tab is divided into two areas “Access to Results” and “Dashboard Configuration”.

Team Improvement Guide Results.png

Under “Access to results” you can determine when the results button Summary is displayed in the guide overview. You can choose between “Immediately after starting the guide” or “After finishing the guide”. You determine whether and to whom a result e-mail is sent. The following options are available:

  • No e-mail
  • All participants
  • Guide initiator only

In the “Dashboard Configuration” area, you first select the dashboard type you want to use to present the results. You can choose between MySight module (using Tableau) or TIVIAN dashboards. The portal page module MySight provides access to the dashboard. To select the “Target Results Page” option, select the MySight module, which must be placed on a page in portals before you can access the dashboard. Then select the appropriate MySight project, workbook, and view.


For each of the available guide types, you can select the settings corresponding to your project parameters for participation duration, minimum number of participants, and setting up the Report Manager connection.

Basic Settings

In the “Basic settings” section, you have various setting options such as participation duration. Please look at the following table for everything you need to know.

OptionFunctionDefault ValueActivatedGuide Type
DurationYou define the duration (in days) that participants can participate in the guide survey.14 days ME, US, and IDEA Guide
Participation of the guide initiatorGuide initiator can participate in the guide survey x days longer after the end of the participation period.0 daysME Guide
Extend the processGuide initiator can extend the guide process of an already started guide once. ME and US Guide
PredicitionYou give a prediction, which is visible in the guide setup, of how long (approximately) it will take to complete the guide survey.2 minutes ME and US Guide
RoleStarting a guide can be restricted to the following portal roles:ModeratorSurvey ManagerTranslation ManagerHR ManagerNo restriction ME, US, and IDEA Guide
Allow deleting processesFinished guide processes can be deleted. ME and US Guide
Duration of the Merging PhaseYou define the duration (in days) of the grouping/merging phase.3 days IDEA Guide
Duration of the Voting PhaseYou define the duration (in days) of how long the voting phase last.14 days IDEA Guide


In the “Reminders” section, various setting options for sending e-mails can be specified. Please look at the following table for everything you need to know.

OptionFunctionDefault ValueActivatedGuide Type
Send remindersYou specify how many days before the end of a guide survey a reminder e-mail is sent.3 days ME and US Guide
Send reminders to all participantsRegardless of whether the survey has been answered or not, a reminder e-mail will be sent to all participants if the option has been activated. ME, US, and IDEA Guide
Send reminder before phase endsYou specify how many days before the end of the phase a reminder e-mail is sent.3 days IDEA Guide
Send merge reminderYou specify how many days before the end of the phase a reminder e-mail is sent.1 day IDEA Guide
Send voting reminderYou specify how many days before the end of the phase a reminder e-mail is sent.3 days IDEA Guide

If the process is extended once by the guide initiator, a last-call reminder e-mail will be sent to those participants who have not yet participated by that time. Select the template for the last-call reminder e-mail on the E-mail settings tab of the Guides subnavigation. If you do not want to send an additional reminder e-mail, i.e. a last-call reminder e-mail, simply leave the field empty.

If the field time has already been expired, the field time can no longer be extended even if this option is activated.


In the “Participants” section, you configure the various settings regarding participation. Please look at the following table for everything you need to know.

OptionFunctionDefault ValueActivatedGuide Type
Minimum number of participantsYou specify the minimum number of participants to be invited to the guide survey.3 participants US and IDEA Guide
Manager participationsYou specify whether the manager may participate in this guide survey. US Guide
Allow invitation of people by e-mail addressesYou allow the guide initiator to invite participants using their e-mail address. US, ME, and IDEA Guide
Preselected company managed groupYou specify which of the available enterprise-managed groups is already preselected in the guide setup. IDEA Guide

Data Anonymity

You specify the data anonymity limit.

OptionFunctionDefault ValueActivatedGuide Type
Show participants informationOnce a certain number of participants has been reached, the participant information is displayed. IDEA Guide

Voting Settings

You define settings regarding the coordination phase of the Ideation Guide.

OptionFunctionDefault ValueActivatedGuide Type
Number of possible votes per categoryHow many possible votes per category are available for each participant?3 IDEA Guide
Number of votes to change into actionsHow many votes trigger an action3 IDEA Guide

Report-Manager Connection

To generate reports for the Leadership Guide (ME-Guide) via the Report Manager, you must first configure the Report Manager connection. To do this, you’ve to create a new Data Voyager project in the first step.

Add project DV.png

One guide survey must have been completed before the connection can be configured.

First, you have to select a data source. You have to assign a title, select the ME-Guide loader, and choose the PE project. Then click Save and start creating a Report Manager instance.

Leadership Guide RM.png

Again you have to assign a title. You have to select the previously created Data Voyager project as a project. After saving, you can start working with the Report Manager. So you create a report definition and complete the mapping. Now you can configure the Report Manager connection.


You must specify the following options:

  • Instance ID of your Report Manager Instance

Then click Load Report Definitions. The connection is first tested by the system before you can select one of the created report definitions.

Configuration of the Portals Page Modules

You need to add the page modules Guides and Guides Waves to a created page. In the case of the Ideation Guide, the Voting module must also be configured. Open the Pages subnavigation, either create a new page to which you add one or more of the mentioned modules, or add one or more modules to an existing page. Afterwards, you can configure these page modules.


The Guides Page Module

To configure the Guides page module in the CMS area of portals, open the module configuration by clicking the drop-down arrow.

Guides Module.png

You have to define to which panel group those who are invited via Guides are assigned. You can use the additional profile information to make it easier for guide initiators who put a group together to find panelists by providing two variables for better identification of people. Then click on the Save button.

The Guides Wave Page Module

In the configuration, you have to select the guide for which you want to use the module.

Guide Waves.png

The Guides Voting Page Module

In order to configure the Voting page module, you only need to enter a heading. The link is set automatically.


Initiating the Guide Process

Once the configuration has been completed, the guide initiator can take over. In the guide overview, the initiator will find the guides you have published [e.g. The new Ideation Guide (IDEA Guide)].

Ideation Guide.png

Guide initiators will click the Start guide button to start the desired guide process. The guide setup will open. The guide initiator will click on More Details to call up further information on the guide.

The Guide Setup

QuestionsInvitations, and Confirmation are the steps that must be taken to configure an ME-Guide or a US-Guide. The first step of the IDEA Guide is to select the Category.

StepME GuideUS GuideIDEA Guide
Questions/CategoryOverview of the questions of the guide surveyActivation/deactivation of additional questionsOverview of the questions of the guide surveyActivation/deactivation of additional questionsSelection of a categories
InvitationsPutting together the rater groups, i.e. selecting the participants for the available groupsIn addition to individual participants, groups that have already been created, i.e. user-managed and company-managed groups, can be selectedIn addition to individual participants, you can also choose from groups that have already been created, i.e. user-managed and company-managed groups. If you select an existing group, you can add further participants to it. The groups created in the People module are not affected by these additions. You can also remove participants from the group without affecting the original group composition.Inviting the participants to participate in the guide survey
ConfirmationThe selection made in the setup can be checked and corrected if necessary.The guide initiators can enter a message.The selection made in the setup can be checked and corrected if necessary.The guide initiators can enter a message.The selection made in the setup can be checked and corrected if necessary.The guide initiators can enter a message.

The Guide Process

By clicking on the Confirm & Send button the invitations will be sent. The participants can access the survey. The guide status of each started guide can be called up via Guide Waves.

Leadership Guide.png

Using the 3-point menu, you can remind the group, end the survey, or view the participant list. In the case of the Leadership-Guide (ME-Guide), reminder e-mails can only be sent once per rater-group. This also applies to reminder e-mails sent automatically. Therefore, once a reminder e-mail has been sent – manually or automatically – you cannot send another reminder e-mail.

An hour after participants have completed the survey, the Summary button will be enabled and the results email sent.

The Phases of the Ideation Guide

After the participants of the Ideation-Guide have been invited, the first phase of the IDEA-Guide is completed. Then the second phase begins.

Second phase: Making suggestions

In the second phase, the participants make suggestions according to the categories given. The survey can be started by clicking the Suggest button.

Ideation Guide Second Phase.png

Via the 3-point menu, you can also start the upcoming phase, call up the list of participants, call up the summary of the IDEA-Guide, or end the phase.

Third phase: Grouping suggestions

In the third phase, the grouping phase, the suggestions made will be grouped. This will be done by the guide initiator. To start the grouping phase, the Group button must be clicked.

Grouping Phase.png

On the grouping page, the suggestions made are listed. You can now decide which of the suggestions should be grouped.


First, check the suggestions that you want to group. Then assign an appropriate title for this group. If you find other suggestions that you want to group, repeat the procedure.

Grouping 2.png

You then release the grouped suggestions for voting, which brings the Ideation Guide into the voting phase.

Fourth Phase: Voting Phase

Once the grouping phase has been completed, the Voting phase is going to start. The participants can vote on the suggestions.

Voting Phase.png

How many votes are necessary to trigger an action on the Action Board can be configured in the guide configuration. The default value is 3 votes.

Fifth phase: taking action

The fifth phase, which is the final phase, is called “Taking Actions”. The suggestion that received the most votes is created as an action in the Action Board. By clicking on the Summary button you can still request the most important information about the Ideation Guide.


There is a tile display that shows you the participation, the number of actions suggested, and the guide wave evaluation. It also shows which action has received the most votes, how many participants have voted up to this point, the status of the action, and how it has been rated.

Ordering Reports

The connection to the Report Manager has been established? The reports can then be ordered via the Order Reports button of the Guide Waves module.

Report Ordering.png

The ordering of reports is successful if the Report Manager connection has been successfully configured. You must first define the languages in which the report is to be created.


You must also specify the file type (e.g. PPTX). The reports are then generated in the Report Manager and are available for download in the report list.

This functionality can only be used within the Leadership-Guide (ME-Guide).


What are the different types of guides available?

There are three types of guides available: Leadership-Guide (ME-Guide), Team-Improvement-Guide (US-Guide), and Ideation-Guide (IDEA-Guide).

How can I ensure multilingual support for guides?

To support multiple languages, specify the Locale option in the Participants Administration and create multilingual email templates and survey questions.

Can I customize the anonymity criteria for rater groups?

Yes, you can specify anonymity criteria for rater groups by setting the minimum number of participants required to maintain anonymity.

How do I configure the Report Manager connection for Leadership Guides?

To configure the Report Manager connection, create a new Data Voyager project, select the ME-Guide loader, choose the PE project, and set up the Report Manager instance with the appropriate settings.

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