This article provides comprehensive guidance on managing Exchange Teams in EFS Secure Exchange. It covers the creation, viewing, editing, and rights administration of exchange teams, as well as the assignment of user teams to these exchange teams.

Exchange Teams in EFS Secure Exchange are used to manage access rights for file exchanges.  First, create exchange teams, configure their rights, and assign user teams to these exchange teams. Ensure all involved persons have EFS accounts and are assigned to user teams. If needed, create user accounts and assign them to appropriate teams. Grant access rights based on the required level of access: for the File exchange menu in the EFS Survey admin area, use the ACL right “area_www”; for the separate fm login, use the ACL right “area_fm”. If access rights vary within a team, create additional user teams and reassign members as necessary.

Viewing and Editing Exchange Teams

Exchange teams are managed through the Users → Exchange teams menu. This section provides an overview of existing exchange teams and available edit options.

Accessing Exchange Teams

1. Navigate to the Users → Exchange teams menu.

2. If you cannot see this menu, your account may lack the ACL right “exchange_teams”. Contact support to have this right activated.

Edit Options

The following edit options are available in the “Actions” column:

  • Edit: Change the name of the team
  • Change rights of this team: Assign user teams and define their rights
  • List members of this exchange team: View team members grouped by user teams
  • Delete: Remove the team after confirmation

Creating a New Exchange Team

To create a new exchange team, you need the “exchange_teams” right and sufficient edit rights for the teams to be selected.

Steps to Create a New Exchange Team

1. Click on the Create exchange team button in the Exchange teams menu.

2. Enter the team name using characters a-z, 0-9, _ and -.

3. In “Members with upload rights”, specify teams whose members should have read and write rights for their own files only. You can select multiple teams while holding CTRL key.

4. In “Members with change rights”, specify teams whose members can change files of all team members.

5. Click Create team to confirm.

Assigning Teams and Rights Administration

This section explains how to assign user teams to exchange teams and manage their access rights.

Rights Configurations

  • Upload right (read): Members can upload and download files, but only change or delete their own files.
  • Change right (write): Members can upload, download, change, or delete all files of their exchange team.
  • Read and write: Members have all rights to the exchange team and all upload and change rights but are ignored for the “Send info mail to team” function.

Steps to Assign Rights

1. Locate the exchange team in the overview and click on the Rights icon.

2. In the rights administration dialog, assign read and/or write rights for the exchange team to the desired user teams.

3. Click Change rights to confirm your selection.

Example Scenario:

Dividing the persons involved in a project into teams with different rights:

In a project, not all participants may need the same level of access in EFS Secure Exchange. For example, the HR department at “Real Estate” needs to prepare for an employee survey. HR project managers should have full editing rights for all files, while other staff should only download files and modify/delete their own.

To manage rights appropriately, create and assign user teams:

  • Real Estate project managers: Unrestricted access.
  • Real Estate staff: Limited to downloading and editing their own files.

Assign rights to the exchange team “Exchange team Real Estate”:

  • Real Estate project managers: “Write” access.
  • Real Estate staff: “Read” access


Why can’t I see the Exchange teams menu?

If you cannot see the Exchange teams menu, your account may lack the ACL right “exchange_teams”. Contact support to have this right activated for you.

Do I need to assign user teams when creating an exchange team?

No, you don’t need to specify teams when creating the exchange team. You can always assign user teams to an exchange team at a later stage.

How can I give different rights to members of the same user team?

If you need to give different rights to members of the same user team, you may need to create additional user teams and reassign the members accordingly.

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