This article provides comprehensive information about mail templates in EFS (Enterprise Feedback Suite). It covers the management, properties, and types of mail templates, as well as how to define senders’ addresses for mail dispatch and use the List-Unsubscribe Header feature.

Mail Template Types

Mail template typeSurveyPanel WebsitePortalsWhen it is used
Default mail:cross_mark::check_mark::check_mark:Is available in all non-automated dispatch processes.
Invitation mail:check_mark::check_mark::check_mark:Used to invite participants to a survey project.
Reminder mail:check_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Used to remind participants of surveys they have not completed yet
Notification before end of survey:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Used to notify users of the upcoming end of their survey.This notification may be requested in the dialog used to create and change projectsIf users have requested the notification in a given project, but no mail template has been selected (e.g. because the staff members do not have sufficient rights), they will receive a mail with default text.
Notification by exchange platform:check_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only on installations with EFS Secure Exchange activated: Mail template used to notify project staff of changes on the exchange platform.
Org Processor mail:cross_mark::check_mark::check_mark:In employee surveys on EFS Employeeinstallations only: Mail template that can be made available to users in the Org Processor.
Welcome mail:cross_mark::check_mark::check_mark:Only in EFS People installations: Automatically sent to the panelist after the registration has been submitted.
Password recovery mail:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: If a panelist forgets their password, the content of this mail template will be sent automatically upon request.
Duplicates check
:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: If the panel administrator performs the duplicates check and finds that this panelist apparently already exists, this mail template is used to contact the panelist via e-mail.
Registration error mail:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: If the panel administrator checks the data in the Candidates menu and wishes to send an inquiry mail to the respective panelist, this mail template can be invoked via the ”Registration error” action.
Master data invitation mail:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: This mail template is displayed when you are inviting a panelist from the Candidatesmenu to the master data survey.
Master data reminder mail:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: This mail template is displayed when you are sending a reminder concerning the master data survey to a panelist from the Candidates menu.
Winner mail:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: This mail template is displayed when you have conducted a prize draw and wish to inform the winners afterward.
Tell-a-friend mail
:check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: Panelists can use this mail template within the scope of a campaign to recruit new panelists.
Voucher mail:cross_mark::check_mark::cross_mark:Only in EFS People installations: This template is used to send vouchers to panelists.

Wildcards for all Project Types

#url#URL of the project. The protocol and domain used in the URL depend on the settings in the “Base URL” field
#ptitle#project title
#pdescr#project description
#pcomments#project comments
#startdate#start date in “DD.MM.YYYY” format.
#startDateRaw#Start date and time in standard format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS“You can also define date and time yourself by adding your desired format with a vertical dash, e.g. #startDateRaw|d#: “DD“. For further supported user-defined formats see:
#starttime#start time in “HH:MM:SS” format.
#startdatetime#start date and time in “DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS” format.
#enddate#end date in “DD.MM.YYYY” format.
#endDateRaw#End date and time in standard format: “YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS“You can also define date and time yourself by adding your desired format
with a vertical dash, e.g. #endDateRaw|d#: “DD“. For further supported
user-defined formats see:
#endtime#end time in “HH:MM:SS” format
#enddatetime#end date and time in “DD.MM.YYYY HH:MM:SS” format
[shorturl]URL[/shorturl]Used to shorten and conceal long URLs. Not recommended for personalized projects as it reduces the complexity of invitation codes.Example: [shorturl]#url#?a=param1&b=#v_1#[/shorturl]Please note: The shortened URLs will be displayed in the sent email (not in the preview).

Wildcards for Personalized Surveys and Panel Projects

#u_firstname#first name
#u_name#last name
#u_email#e-mail address
#code#participant’s code. This wildcard can be used in the questionnaire, too.
#url#server domain
#code_complete#Participant’s code including survey URL.The protocol and domain used in the URL depend on the settings in the “Base URL” fieldWhen you create an HTML mail please note: In order to generate an active
labeled link in a new e-mail or mail template you must define the corresponding HTML tags. E.g. <a href=“#code_complete#“>Label</a>.
#code_complete_http#http survey URL including the code of the participants.If you’re logged in with SSL, the #code_complete# wildcard will always be filled with the https URL. By using the #code_complete_http# wildcard, you can enforce use of the http URL.This may be useful, for example, if for reasons of safety you work with SSL encryption in the admin area but want the survey to be conducted without encryption.
#code_complete_https#https survey URL including the code of the participants.If you’re logged in with https, the #code_complete# wildcard will always be filled with the http URL. By using the #code_complete_https# wildcard, you can enforce use of the https URL.

Wildcards for Panel Projects

#bonus#Number of bonus points (format).
#m_[number]# and #md_[number]#The value of the variable from the respective master data item.
#panel_url#A link to the panel.
#panelist_code#The panelist code, i.e. access code to the panel.
#panelist_login_code#Wildcard which allows to create a shortened login link.URL parameter for direct login with shortened code: login_codeSample link: lc=QAplygBpxAoPh-
VL3ceoIL8ztW5gUsage of the shortened login link is recommended, in particular, if the domain of the panel itself is quite long: If the normal 40-digit code is used, the complete URL might become too long for mail programs to forward it correctly.
#panelpoints#The panelist’s current account balance (p.pcredit_points).
#password_recovery_url#“Reset password” link.
#pseudonym#The pseudonym, i.e. encoded unique panelist ID.
#site_id#Language version
#u_sec_question#Security question
#u_sec_question_answer#Answer to the security question.
#sender_u_firstname#The sender’s first name (Function Module: Send Private Messages to Panelists)
#sender_u_name#The sender’s last name (Function Module: Send Private Messages to Panelists)
#message_title#The message header (Function Module: Send Private Messages to Panelists)
#message_text#The message text (Function Module: Send Private Messages to Panelists)
#subscription_title#Title of the section (Function Modules: Forum, Panelist Blog)
#subscription_post_title#Title of the new post (Function Modules: Forum, Panelist Blog)
#subscription_post_link#Link to post (Function Modules: Forum, Panelist Blog)
#subscription_unsubscribe#Link that allows to unsubscribe (Function Modules: Forum, Panelist Blog)
#poster_account#The quoted panelist’s account (Function Module: Forum)
#poster_firstname#The quoted panelist’s first name (Function Module: Forum)
#poster_name#The quoted panelist’s last name (Function Module: Forum)
#poster_email#The quoted panelist’s e-mail address (Function Module: Forum)
#post_date#Date the quoted post was created (Function Module: Forum)
#post_title#Title of the quoted post (Function Module: Forum)
#mail_validation_code#You insert the actual verification code (Function Modules: Registration Form, Change E-Mail, Change Data)
#mail_validation_code_ complete#You can create a complete clickable link (Function Modules: Registration Form, Change E-Mail, Change Data)
#item_title#Bonus title (Function Module: Bonus List and Redemption)
#item_description#Description (Function Module: Bonus List and Redemption)
#item_description2#Description 2 (Function Module: Bonus List and Redemption)
#item_category_title#Bonus category title (Function Module: Bonus List and Redemption)
#item_selected_amount#Value of payment (Function Module: Bonus List and Redemption)
#item_vendor#Manufacturer (Function Module: Bonus List and Redemption)

Properties of Mail Templates

IDEach mail template in an EFS installation can be identified by its own unique ID.
TypeBy assigning it to a particular type of mail template you define in which work situations the respective template is to be available.
DescriptionDescription of the template. This is only used internally for orientation in the admin area.
Mail subjectThe subject of the e-mail.
Modifier user nameName of the last user who edited the template.
StatusThe status indicates whether a mail template is available in the mail forms. Active templates are available, inactive ones are not.The status entry is a clickable link: You can change the status easily with one click.
HTML formatIf the template is an HTML mail, this will be indicated in the overview table.
E-mail addressSelected sender’s address
Name of the senderIf a real name has been stored with the sender’s address, it will be displayed in this field
Language versionThe mail templates are assigned to a particular language version of the panel.


How can I improve email deliverability?

To improve email deliverability, you can use the List-Unsubscribe Header feature and ensure that your domain has a proper SPF record that includes:

What should I do if I can’t change the SPF record for my email domain?

If you cannot change the SPF record, you can use the default sender address “Survey <>” and customize the real name to your company’s name.

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