This article explains how to use Master Data and Process Data in EFS (Enterprise Feedback Suite) for multi-source feedback projects. It covers the definition, collection, and utilization of different types of data, as well as how to modify and create variables to meet project requirements.

Types of Data in EFS

EFS collects and uses various types of data in multi-source feedback projects:

  • Result data, URL parameters, and user-defined variables
  • Master data: Address data and personal information on participants
  • Process data: Information about participants’ current positions in specific feedback constellations

Organization Tips

Planning the data structure of the participant administration

  • Consider which master data to store for participants
  • Check if the existing data structure meets project requirements
  • Plan for selecting specific participant groups for targeted actions

Checking the data structure for the feedback process

  • Determine if additional process data are needed
  • Verify if the existing data structure meets current project requirements

Master Data

Master data includes participants’ personal information, like name and address, imported by the project manager for authentication or contact purposes. In EFS, master data is accessible for personalization, routing, or analysis. Separate exports of feedback participants’ master data are available via Participant administration → Participant Pool → Excel export and CSV export. With sufficient rights, a combined export of master and result data is available for documentation or external analysis. View master data variables and their options via Participant administration → Participant variables → Master data variables.

Overview of the Master Data Variables

Default master data variables include:

Variable nameVariable name in SPSS and Excel exportMeaning
u_accountu_accountPersonnel number
u_firstnameu_firstnameFirst name
u_unitu_unitOrganizational unit
u_initial_passwordu_passwdInitial password
mod_date Last modification
cr_date Date of creation

Process Data

Process data track and store a participant’s position (e.g., role, feedback status) in a feedback constellation, aiding process control and administration. Default process data are utilized during feedback, such as determining report distribution based on participant roles. Some default variables are included in export data for external analysis. User-defined process data, available in participant administration, can be activated for MSF statistics and are included in MSF participant and wave exports. View process data and their options via Participant administration → Participant variables → Process variables.

Overview of the Process Data

Default process data variables include:

Variable nameVariable name in SPSS and Excel exportMeaning
u_statsu_statsFeedback status
m_datem_dateDate of change
c_datec_dateDate of creation
u_languageu_languageLanguage versionIn multilingual projects, this variable is usually linked with the survey languages specified in Project
properties → Survey languages.

Editing Master Data and Process Data

Master data and process data are user-defined and can be modified to meet project requirements:

  • Before creating participants, verify and adjust the participant administration data structure to meet project requirements.
  • Variables for basic participant properties can be relabeled or modified. To store extra data, create additional variables.

Detailed instructions for editing these variables can be found in the “EFS Survey” manual, Chapter “Managing Participants in Personalized Surveys”.

Using Master Data and Process Data in Questionnaire and Feedback Center

Master data and process data can be utilized for various dynamic features:

  • Output in questionnaires using the piping feature
  • Dynamic questionnaire elements (filtering, plausibility checks)
  • Personalization of e-mails
  • Customization of feedback center using Smarty templates


What is the difference between Master Data and Process Data?

Master Data refers to participants’ personal information that remains constant, such as name and email. Process Data contains information about a participant’s current position or status in a specific feedback constellation, which may change throughout the project.

Can I create custom variables for Master Data and Process Data?

Yes, you can create custom variables for both Master Data and Process Data to meet your specific project requirements. This can be done through the Participant administration menu in EFS.

How can I use Master Data and Process Data in my questionnaire?

You can use Master Data and Process Data in your questionnaire for personalization, dynamic routing, and answer validation. The piping feature in EFS 10.3 makes it easier to select and insert these data points into your questionnaire.

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