This article provides comprehensive information about System Data in EFS People, including its purpose, types, and usage in panel management.

Collecting Data with EFS People

System Data

In addition to personal data such as last name, first name, and address, so-called system data are stored automatically for all panelists. They are used to collect meta information on the panelists and make it available to the administrator, for example:

  • How did the panelist join the panel? Did they register themselves, were they imported by an administrator, or were they added during a “Canvass friends” campaign?
  • When did they participate in the master data survey, and how often were they invited to participate in the survey?
  • How many panel surveys has the panelist completed?

System data are used in several places in the EFS Panel admin area. For example, you can use the panel status (“pstatus”), the way of entry (“reg_code”) or the pseudonym as criteria for panelist searches. Furthermore, the variables are included in the master data export and can be used for evaluation purposes.

Overview of System Data

The following table provides a detailed overview of system data variables:

Variable nameVariable name in
the SPSS and Excel
export data record
MeaningData typeSize
pseudonympseudonymEncoded unique panelist ID, which is required e.g. to match result data and master data in SPSS.int11 placesThreshold values:-2147483648 bis
pstatuspstatusPanel status.tinyint4
pinputpinputMode of entry. Describes the type of registration. It is automatically allocated by the system. The following modes of entry are
used:1: Other event2: Data import4: Moderator entry8: Self-recruited16: Canvassed. Is allocated if the panelist accessed registration via a special tell-afriend link. If the usual registration keys are used in the tell-a-friend mail, the panelist will be allocated to the „self-recruited“ mode.32: TestPlease mind: The mode of entry should not be confused with the ways of entry stored in
the variable “reg_code”. With user-defined ways of entry, you can describe in more detail how panelists with entry mode 1, 2, 8 and 16 entered the panel.
pcredit_pointspcredit_pointsThe current total sum of bonus points.decimal10,2
pstatus_datepstatus_dateThe last change in panel status. Only set during manual import.datetime 
last_poll_dateThe date the panelist last participated in a survey. Gets updated when the last page of apanel survey is reached.From EFS 6.0, the new tracking function provides you with more precise information.datetime 
deprecated: n_polln_pollThe number of surveys in which the panelist has participated so far. Updated each time the final page of a panel survey is reached.From EFS 6.0, the new tracking function provides you with more precise information.int11 (see
doub_statdoub_statThe duplicates status:0: Not checked1: No10: Duplicate alerttinyint4
penter_datepenter_dateThe date of entry into the panel. Technically this is the point in time at which the panelist’s profile is created during the import process or manual entry.datetime 
panelist_codepanelist_codePanelist codes make it possible to log in directly into the panel.binary40
md_statusmd_statusThe panelist’s status in the master data survey.11: Assigned. But not yet invited12: Invited31: Completed surveyThe system variable “md_status” should not be confused with the disposition code:md_status indicates if the respective panelists have already participated in any master data survey, doesn’t matter which
one.The disposition code is a project-specific variable. It indicates if and how far the panelists have completed a specific master data survey to which they were allocated.
md_update_datemd_update_dateDate of the last update to the master data survey.datetime 
md_num_updatesmd_num_updatesThe number of times the panelist has participated in the master data survey.mediumint8
md_invite_datemd_invite_dateThe date of the invitation to the master data
md_num_invitesmd_num_invitesThe number of invitation mails sent for the master data survey.int11 (see
reg_codereg_codeWay of entry.With user-defined ways of entry, you can describe in more detail how panelists with entry mode 1, 2, 8 and 16 (variable “reg_code”, see above) entered the panel.Panelists with entry mode 4 and 32 are automatically allocated to the default way of entry.int11 (see
invited_byinvited_byIf the panelist was invited to participate during a “Tell-a-friend” campaign, this field will contain the ID of the panelist who canvassed them.Int11 (see
date_last_logindate_last_loginDate of the last time the panelist logged in.datetime 
pcipciPCI value.tinyint4
site_idsite_idLanguage version. For identification of the various language versions of the website(s).Int11 (see
last_mod_datelast_mod_dateThe date of the last change.datetime 
last_mod_userlast_mod_userInitiator of the last change:1: Panelist (via panel website)2: Panelist (via survey)3: Moderator4: Import5: External system, i.e. via web services, for example.6: API. i.e. changes via programming interface or via special programming for the panel registration.7: Update rule8: Project testtinyint1
dropout_datedropout_dateLeaving date of a panelist.datetime 
Status of the double opt-in e-mail verification:0: unknown1: not verified2: verified3: New verification required. This is set, when a candidate joins the panel or when the e-mail address of a panelist is changed.tinyint1
E-mail verification code.binary32
marked(not contained in the export data record)(not contained in the export data record)Indicates whether notes have been made on the panelist in the Panelists administration or Panelists administration → Candidates menu.tinyint1
member_id(not contained in the export data record)(not contained in the export data record)An auxiliary variable for calculating the pseudonym.int11 (see
remote_addr(not contained in the export data record)(not contained in the export data record)The IP address used by the panelist during registration. 11
remote_host(not contained in the export data record)(not contained in the
export data record)
The domain from which the panelist entered the panel during registration.  


What is the difference between “pinput” and “reg_code”?

“pinput” (mode of entry) is automatically allocated by the system and describes the type of registration. “reg_code” (way of entry) allows for more detailed description of how panelists entered the panel, especially for entry modes 1, 2, 8, and 16.

How is the “md_status” different from the disposition code?

“md_status” indicates if panelists have participated in any master data survey, while the disposition code is project-specific and indicates how far panelists have completed a specific master data survey they were allocated to.

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