This article provides a comprehensive guide on Master Data Allocation in EFS, covering the process of transferring master data from surveys to the database, planning the transfer, managing allocations, and executing the transfer both automatically and manually.

The master data collected during master data surveys and panel surveys must be transferred from the survey to their proper location within the database by means of a special operation called master data transfer. Which project variables are to be transferred to which master data in this process is defined in the Master data allocation menu.

Master data allocation.jpg

The functional scope in brief:

  • In the overview table, you will find all allocations of project variables to master data at a glance. You can also check the characteristics via this table.
  • You can download the allocations in order to check them in detail.
  • The appropriate master data for all project variables of a survey can be created automatically. This is done via the option “Create and allocate master data”. This is an effective way to create the master data survey for a new panel, for example. It takes only a few clicks to create the appropriate master data.
  • You can also automatically create individual master data items, if required.
  • The master data overview of the panel tells you in which panels the master data have already ben allocated.

You can use loops in master data and panel surveys. However, data collected in those loops cannot be used as master data. They cannot be transferred to the master data via master data transfer.

Planning the transfer of master data

The following guiding questions will help you plan the master data transfer for a new panel or master data survey.

  • Which project variables are to be transferred to which master data?
    • If the required master data already exist, what is their data type and range? Does the format of the participant entries in the survey have to be secured or modified by plausibility checks, recodings or other means?
    • If the master data do not yet exist, which variable types and value ranges are they supposed to have? If you only need the usually required data types “integer” and “text”, then automatic creation would be the better option. For the data types “date”, “date/time” or “yes/no” and for specific size ranges the appropriate master data should be created manually.
  • Does the survey have any characteristics that may be relevant for the master data transfer?
    • Is multiple participation possible?
    • Have the collected variables already been collected previously via the registration form, the “change data” form, the master data survey or another project? Whether a master data item is also referenced by another project can be seen in the column “Survey allocations” of the master data overview.
    • If the master data were collected previously, do you want to use the existing values to preset answers? The feature “Transfer master data values to survey variables” allows such a presetting.
  • Are the missing values “NULL” and “-77” to be included in the master data transfer, or shall the transfer only take place if the questions have actually been answered?
    • If, for example, the master data have already been filled in during registration, it may not make sense to overwrite these values with missing values.
  • Shall the master data transfer start automatically immediately after completing the interviews, or shall it be triggered manually? If it is to be triggered manually by the moderator, when and for which disposition codes does this make sense?
    • In master data surveys, the data are always transferred automatically as soon as a panelist reaches the final page (i.e when disposition code 31, 32 is assigned). Nonetheless, an additional manual transfer may be necessary, for example, if you wish to transfer the data of incomplete surveys into the master data table as well.
    • In panel surveys, the master data transfer is usually triggered manually. Determine the most convenient time for this transfer; the transfer may have to be triggered several times. Alternatively, you can also select automatic transfer in panel surveys. Please mind: If candidates from a tell-a-friend campaign participate in such a panel survey, the automatic transfer will trigger the incentivation of the recruiters.

Managing the master data allocations of a project

The allocations of project variables and master data are managed in the Master data allocation menu. The overview table in this menu lists all project variables along with the already existing allocations.

  • The project variables are listed along with variable name, question, item text, and characteristics. By clicking on the variable name you open the dialog where the allocation is defined. By clicking on the question you open the questionnaire editor in a second window.
  • Names and labels, master data category and characteristics of the allocated master data are displayed. By clicking on the name you open the editing dialog for the master data item in a second window.
  • The “Status” column tells you whether the allocation is functioning: If, for example, there are differences in data type or the number of characteristics, a red status icon with a corresponding message will appear. As an example, the figure below shows how the matching of the project variable “v_9” with five characteristics to the master data item “m_favoritesports” with three characteristics is being marked as a problem.
  • The entry in the column “Master data transfer only if set” tells you whether the transfer is to be carried out also in case of no answer.

As usual, simple and extended search functions are available. Especially the possibility to restrict the list to already allocated or not yet allocated variables is very useful in large-scale projects. By clicking on the View button you can activate or deactivate table columns or change the number of rows per page, as usual. Via the Excel export / CSV export buttons you can download the list in order to pass on or check the allocations externally.

Edit options

Via the Execute master data transfer button you can trigger the transfer of the values manually. Via the icons in the “Actions” column you can edit individual allocations:

  • Edit: Opens the dialog for editing individual allocations
  • Delete: With this option you can delete the respective allocation

The following actions can be applied to selected or all units. To do so, you select the desired allocations by ticking the respective checkboxes in the “Actions” column or alternatively by ticking either of the checkboxes “Mark all entries on this page” and “Mark all entries found”. Then you specify the desired action in the drop-down list and confirm by clicking Execute.

  • Allocate variables: Opens the dialog for editing individual allocations
  • Create and allocate master data: Opens a dialog where you can both create and allocate new master data
  • Activate / deactivate “Master data transfer only if seen”: Via this option you can specify whether the values “NULL” and “-77” shall be excluded from transfer.
  • Delete allocations: With this action you can delete several allocations en bloc.

Allocating project variables to existing master data

Please proceed as follows:

  • From the allocations list, open the dialog for defining new allocations. There are two ways to do this:
    • If you want to define an allocation for just one project variable, click on the Edit icon.
    • If you want to define allocations for several project variables, tick their respective checkboxes in the “Actions” column. Then select the action “Allocate variables”.
  • This will prompt a dialog where you can select the appropriate master data item for each project variable.
  • Confirm by clicking on Save.
  • Check the status of the new allocations in the allocations list.

Creating and allocating appropriate master data automatically

You can automatically create the appropriate master data for all project variables of a survey or for individual variables. This is an effective way to create the master data survey for a new panel, for example. It takes only a few clicks to create the appropriate master data.


The following rules apply to automatic creation:

  • For the new master data variables the variable structure of the project variables is adopted.
  • The labelling of the characteristics of the master data variable is likewise adopted from the allocated project variable.
  • Data type and size are selected according to the expectations of most of the users, ensuring proper data storage even without reconfiguring or creating plausibility checks.
    • For the automatic creation of master data the usually required data types “integer” and “text” are used.
    • If master data are created automatically for the text field question types 141 and 142, the system will use variables of the type “text” which can contain up to 21,000 characters. This ensures that the texts can be saved completely.
    • If you wish to map project variables to master data of the types “date”, “date/ time” or “yes/no”, you will have to create the appropriate master data
      manually: It may be necessary to check the entries and recode them into an appropriate format.

Creating and allocating master data

  • In the allocations list, mark those project variables for which you want to create master data by ticking the respective checkboxes in the “Actions” column.
  • Select the option “Create and allocate master data”.
  • This will prompt a dialog where you can specify the variable name, the title of the master data item, and the master data category. Please follow the rules for the naming of master data; in particular, the variable name must begin with m_ or md_.
  • Confirm by clicking on Save.

Controlling the transfer procedure for unseen questions

Depending on which information is contained in a project variable and in which situation this variable is filled, you may not always want to transfer the contents into the master data table but only if the panelists have actually answered a question.

If, for example, the panelists’ occupations have already been collected in the master data survey and are collected again in a subsequent panel survey, you only want to transfer the contents if the panelists did actually see the question. Otherwise, you would overwrite an existing value with a missing value and lose information.

In EFS you are free to decide for each individual allocation whether the transfer shall take place even for unseen questions. This is done via the feature “Master data transfer only if seen”, the status of which is indicated in the allocations table. You can change the settings by selecting the corresponding actions:

  • Yes: The values “NULL” and “-77” will not be transferred. Variables with a value of “0” (e.g. unanswered items in multiple response questions) will be transferred.
  • No: All values are transferred.

Transferring master data manually

Depending on the type and situation of the survey, it may be necessary to transfer master data manually.

  • In master data surveys, the data are usually transferred automatically as soon as a panelist reaches the final page (i.e when disposition code 31, 32 is assigned). Nonetheless, an additional manual transfer may be necessary, for example, if you wish to transfer the data of incomplete surveys into the master data table as well. If you want to introduce a new variable or need to correct an allocation, the transfer may have to be repeated manually as well.
  • In panel surveys, the master data transfer is usually triggered manually. Optionally, you may also select automatic transfer. To do so, select the option “After each participation (immediately)” in the field “At what point of time shall survey result data be transferred to master data variables?” of the Project properties menu.

To trigger the master data transfer manually, please proceed as follows:

  • Click on the Execute master data transfer button.
  • In the subsequent dialog, the transfer can optionally be restricted to panelists with specific disposition codes.
  • Confirm by clicking on Execute transfer.
  • The confirmation message will tell you whether a transfer took place and how many panelists were affected.


Can loops be used in master data and panel surveys?

Yes, loops can be used in master data and panel surveys. However, data collected in those loops cannot be used as master data and cannot be transferred via master data transfer.

What happens if there are differences in data type or number of characteristics between project variables and master data?

If there are differences in data type or the number of characteristics, a red status icon with a corresponding message will appear in the “Status” column of the allocations table, indicating a problem with the allocation.

Can master data transfer be automated for panel surveys?

Yes, master data transfer can be automated for panel surveys. To do so, select the option “After each participation (immediately)” in the “Project properties” menu under the field “At what point of time shall survey result data be transferred to master data variables?”

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