Results Import

This article provides comprehensive information about the Results Import feature in EFS (Enterprise Feedback Suite). It covers the functional scope, step-by-step instructions for performing a data import, and detailed formatting guidelines for import files. Functional Scope The functional scope of the results data import in brief: Performing a Data Import Data import can be found […]

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Search and Display Functions and Export

This article covers the search and display functions in the participant list, as well as export options for participant data. It explains how to use simple and extended search features, customize the display of participant information, and export data to Excel or CSV formats. Simple Search The search functions of the participant list allow you […]

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Print version (Questionnaire editor)

This article explains how to use the Print version feature in the Questionnaire editor of EFS. It covers the purpose of the print version, its configuration, and various display options available to users. Print version Overview The “Responsive layout” question types newly introduced from EFS 10.0 onwards are mapped to their basic question types. I.e. […]

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Language editor

This article provides a comprehensive guide on using the Language Editor in the EFS Survey. It covers creating and managing survey languages, editing text elements, handling survey messages, and using wildcards in multilingual projects. Survey languages Click on the Survey Languages menu item to create and edit languages, assign language identifiers, set the active default language, […]

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This article provides comprehensive information on creating and managing lists in a questionnaire system. It covers both dynamic and static lists, explaining how to create, edit, and incorporate them into questionnaires. Dynamic lists Usually, the steps will take you from the source question to the dialog for list creation. However, you can also choose Questionnaire Editor → Lists and […]

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Participant Variables

This article provides comprehensive information about participant variables in EFS, including their types, properties, and management. It covers the standard variables, creating new variables, and best practices for handling participant data. Switch to the Participant Administration → Participant variables menu. You will find an overview table listing the existing participant variables. You will also be allowed to create new […]

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Org Processor

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Org Processor, a key element of EFS Employee software. It covers organizational structure management, user administration, configuration options, and various features for employee surveys. Organizational structure When you open the Org Processor, the Organizational Structure tab will be displayed automatically. It shows the organizational structure with the key characteristics of […]

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This article provides comprehensive information about various types of triggers in the EFS Survey, including mail triggers, page triggers, logout triggers, sample triggers, re-invitation triggers, variable split triggers, recoding triggers, random triggers, list triggers, bonus triggers, panel group triggers, and pre-qualification triggers. Each trigger type is explained in detail, along with its features, configuration steps, […]

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This article covers the concept of Base in EFS Reporting+, including how to define and limit the base, use test data, anonymize results, and create contingency tables. Reports can be divided into chapters. In the completed report, these chapters will be displayed differently depending on the specified format: Every report automatically contains a first chapter […]

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Print Version

This article explains how to create and use the Print Version of a questionnaire in EFS, including display options, printing pretest comments, selecting print language, and understanding the codebook. For future reference, for testing, or for proof-reading purposes, you may sometimes want to print the questionnaire so you can view all of the text in […]

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