The Report Definition overview page

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Report Definition overview page in the Report Manager. It covers the various elements, settings, and functionalities available for creating and managing report definitions. Our orientation begins at the top left, where the name entered on the Report Definition tile is displayed next to the back button. Your […]

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Report Manager

This article provides a comprehensive guide to the Report Manager, a powerful tool for generating and managing reports in TIVIAN’s EFS Survey and EFS Panel projects. It covers the Tagging Tool, starting page, setup page, and various functionalities of the Report Manager. The Report Manager in Reporting+ (TIVIAN’s solution for EFS Survey and EFS Panel […]

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Report order and Report distribution

This article covers the process of ordering reports and distributing them using the Report Manager. It explains different report types, how to select focus units, comparison groups, and apply filters. The article also details the steps for distributing reports to EFS Employees and accessing them through Portals. This guide provides comprehensive information on report ordering, […]

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