This article provides a comprehensive guide on exchanging files using the EFS Secure Exchange platform. It covers various aspects of file management, including accessing the exchange platform, uploading and downloading files, notifying team members, and managing file statuses.

Accessing the Exchange Platform

There are two ways to access the exchange platform, depending on your assigned access rights:

  • If authorized to access the admin area of EFS, find the exchange platform in the Options → File exchange menu.
  • If only authorized for EFS Secure Exchange, log in at

Note: The File exchange menu in the admin area is only visible if you’re a member of an existing exchange team.

The Overview of Files

After logging in at or opening the File exchange menu,, you’ll see an overview of files for all exchange teams where you have at least read rights. The overview includes search functions and a detailed list of files.

Search Functions

  • Simple search: Enter a term to search in “Title”, “File name”, “Comment”, and “Author” fields.
  • Extended search: Specify status, team, or upload period in addition to keyword search.

File List Details

The file list includes information such as Date, Title, Comment, File Name, Size, Author, Security, Status, and Team Name.

Uploading a New File

You may upload files of any format, except for PHP and HTML. The maximum possible file size of the respective installation is displayed in the import dialog. Please note that the name of the file you want to upload has to be unique; i.e. if test.doc already exists, you cannot upload a second file named test.doc.

  1. Click on the Upload new file button in the File exchange menu.
  2. Enter a title for file identification.
  3. Optionally, set an additional password for file protection.
  4. Use the Browse function to select the file from your computer.
  5. Add a comment if needed.
  6. Select the team for which you’re uploading the file.
  7. Choose whether to send an info mail to the team.
  8. Click Upload to start the process.
  9. If sending an info mail, edit the default text as needed.
  10. Confirm sending the mail by clicking “Yes” in the “Send info mail” field.
  11. Click Continue to complete the upload.

Notifying Team Members of New Files

When uploading a file, the info service of EFS Secure Exchange allows you to directly notify the team for which this file is intended. To do so, tick the checkbox “Send info mail to team” when you upload the file. When the upload is complete, a mail template will be displayed where you can enter a message for the team members.

  • The form is filled with a predefined mail template. this template, entitled “New upload for your exchange team”, can be opened and edited in the Libraries → Mail templates menu, but it cannot be deleted. It is not possible to select a different mail template. It is also not possible to send different language versions.
  • The following details can be entered via wildcards:
    • #team_name#: Team name
    • #filetitle#: User-defined title of the file
    • #filename#: File name
    • #filecomment#: Comment
    • #fileauthor#: Author

Downloading a File

To download a file:

  1. Locate the file in the list and tick its checkbox.
  2. Select “Download” from the drop-down list.
  3. Click the Execute button.
  4. Save the zip file to your computer.

Note: You can only download active or obsolete files. Locked files must be released by their owners first.

Changing File Status

File statuses help track the currentness and accessibility of files:

  • Active: Up-to-date and downloadable by all team members.
  • Obsolete: No longer up-to-date but still downloadable.
  • Locked: Cannot be downloaded until status is changed by the user who initiated the lock.

Steps to Change Status

  1. Select the file by ticking its checkbox.
  2. Choose the new status from the “Actions” drop-down list.
  3. Click Execute to confirm.

Deleting a File

To delete a file (requires write rights):

  1. Locate and select the file in the list.
  2. Choose “Delete” from the “Actions” drop-down.
  3. Click Execute.
  4. Confirm deletion by clicking OK.

Note: EFS retains backup copies of deleted files. Contact support to restore accidentally deleted files.


What file formats can I upload?

You can upload files of any format, except for PHP and HTML. The maximum file size is displayed in the import dialog.

Can I upload a file with the same name as an existing file?

No, file names must be unique within the system. If a file with the same name already exists, you’ll need to rename your file before uploading.

How can I protect my uploaded files?

You can set an additional password when uploading a file. This password will be required for anyone attempting to download the file.

What happens if I accidentally delete a file?

EFS always retains a backup copy of deleted files. Contact support if you need to restore an accidentally deleted file.

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