This article provides a comprehensive glossary of terms and concepts related to Tivian Communicate XI (CXI), a change communication software. It covers various aspects of the platform, including campaign management, audience targeting, content creation, analytics, and integrations. The glossary is organized alphabetically and includes definitions for key features, tools, and processes within CXI, making it a valuable resource for users to understand and navigate the platform effectively.


Actions Taken: Summary data in the Analytics section. The number that reflects how many times your employee audience members click the Call to Action buttons in a Journey’s content experience.

Active Audience: The audience group assigned in the Preferences section. This audience group receives your campaign’s messaging and content. Setting an Active Audience to None will halt all automatic message delivery.

Active Banner: Web banner(s)’ status in the Preferences section. Web banners must be assigned in the Campaign section timeline with a date set to today or earlier in order to be displayed as active. An Active Banner is assumed to be embedded in a website. Read more about web banners here.

API: See Public API.

Analytics: Data and insights found in the Analytics section. Serves to measure the effectiveness of each communication experience and help iterate and optimize content and messaging for future communications.

Approved to Send: The toggle in the edit window of an automated message in the Campaign section timeline. Applies only to automated emails or text messages. Messages that are not approved to send will not be sent out.

Audience: The employees at your company for whom your Communicate Journey is intended. Read more about audiences here.

Automatic Email Delivery: Advanced feature that sends approved and scheduled emails to Targeted Audience groups on behalf of the customer from CXI. Read more about Automatic Email Delivery here.


Basic Audience: A manual delivery email audience. CXI will send you emails for you to forward to your employees using your companies email system.

Beta: Early access to a feature before it’s officially released. As it is a work in progress, you may run into some issues when using this feature. Things may still be updated and change during this time.


Call to Action (CTAs): Refers to two different functions in the software:

  • Call to Action button, content experience: Administered in the Experience section. Appears on screen after content is presented in the employee content experience. CTA button clicks are measured under Actions Taken in the Analytics section.
  • Call to Action, campaign message: The clickable link or text in a campaign message. CXI-based emails, web banners, and Slack include clickable CTAs which drive the employee audience to engage with the destination. Poster and postcard text CTAs encourage the audience to use the links provided to go into the employee content experience.    

Campaign: The timeline section of a selected Communicate Journey. It displays each campaign message, its format, and its deployment date in sequence. This makes up the communications planning and creation aspects of your Communicate Journey.

Channels: The various methods you can use to reach your employees through CXI. This can include direct electronic messages through email or text, or more printed means such as posters or postcards.

Clear Background: In the Preferences section under Email Preferences. A CXI-created email layout option which removes your company’s brand color from the sides of the email. There are two versions of this layout: left-aligned text and center-aligned text.

Communicate Journey: Feature set that enables administrators to manage and run campaigns which include targeted messaging, interactive content experiences (e.g. videos, infographics, polls, and ratings), and analytics. All of these deliver an integrated experience designed to reach, engage, and drive action.

Communicate Messages: Feature set where you can create, target, and send messages through email, text, or Slack, to inform employees. Analytics for each sent message are available to measure their effectiveness.

Content Assets: Managed in the Experience section.. The media aspect of your Communicate Journey made up of videos, documents, and infographics.

Experience: The section of a Communicate Journey where all the content assets can be viewed and managed.

Content Header: Managed in the Experience section.. Used to organize collections of content for a more directed content experience.

CSV (Comma Separated Values) File: A CSV-formatted list containing necessary employee information (first and last name, phone number, email address, etc.). Uploaded to the Preferences section.

CXI: Commonly-used acronym for Tivian Communicate XI.


Daily Engagement: In the Analytics section. The number of engaged views in a Communicate Journey displayed by day. Message types are displayed with their corresponding icon.

Dashboard: The CXI homepage where all of your Communicate Journeys are housed. Clicking Home will return you to this page.

Defaults: You can set default Call to Action text with URLs and sentiment rating questions in the Experience section. of a Communicate Journey. Defaults are helpful if you need to use the same information over multiple pieces of content. This can help you save time while managing your campaign(s).

Destination: Selected during a campaign message’s creation in the Campaign section. The content asset, (a video, digital doc, or poll) within the Communicate Journey that the campaign message points to.

DKIM: Process recommended for Automatic Email Delivery. Domain Keys Identified Mail key ensures emails sent via CXI to your email domains are authorized and haven’t been altered from the sender to the recipient. Postmark uses the combination of the DKIM and the SPF.

DNS: Process recommended for Automatic Email Delivery. The Domain Name System is used to point visitors to their domain, to the correct hosting provider. CXI uses Postmark to allow the mail server to know where to go to properly authenticate the emails received.


Emails: The most commonly used campaign channel for Communicate Journeys and Communicate Messages. Automatic Email Delivery must be set up in order for CXI to send emails directly to your audience groups. Otherwise, you can send them manually.

Emails Opened: Summary data in the Analytics section. The amount of times an email(s) has been opened in a Communicate Journey or Communicate Message.

Embedded Content Experience: The process of using iframe code to embed the employee content experience onto your company’s website.

Engaged Views: Found in the Analytics section. Displays the amount of times a video has been watched at least 50% through or a PDF/image opened for at least 5 seconds.


Filters: A feature of CXI that narrows down an audience group or data displayed in the Analytics section.

  • Filter for audience groups: In the Audience Creation and Management area of the Preferences section. The column headers included in your CSV file or HRIS Connector determine the filter options for Targeted Audiences and Sub-Audiences (department, office location, job title, etc.).
  • Filter for the Analytics section: In the Analytics section of a Communicate Journey or Communicate Message. Standard filters (date, content, device, etc.) narrow the data displayed. If CXI has your employee data uploaded via CSV file or HRIS Connector, then your data column headers will also appear as filters.

First Message: The initial communication/launch date of the campaign. If changed in the Campaign section or the Preferences section, all the other scheduled messages’ dates will change in relation to the First Message.


GuideSpark Communicate Cloud®: The former brand name of Tivian Communicate XI (CXI).

GSCC: Commonly-used acronym for GuideSpark Communicate Cloud (see above).


HRIS Connector: The link between CXI and your Human Resources Information System data. Employee information is used for Automatic Message Delivery (email, text, and Slack) and enhanced analytics. Data is uploaded daily. Read more about HRIS Connectors here.


Iframe embed code: The HTML code provided by Tivian that is used to embed content from CXI onto your company’s website.


Journey: See Communicate Journey.

Journey Archiving: You can archive campaigns that have finished or that you no longer need, in the Preferences section of a Communicate Journey. There is an Active tab for current campaigns and an Archived tab for campaigns that are no longer active.

Journey Dashboard: Located in the Communicate Journey section of your CXI account. You will only be able to view the Communicate Journey tiles whose team you are a part of.


Keyword Text Messaging: A text system that CXI uses via posters and postcards, to lead employees to a content asset within the content experience. The employee texts the keyword from the poster/postcard to the shortcode number, the employee then receives a link to the piece of content advertised.


Main Audience: A CSV file or the HRIS data feed of the entire employee information base. This total employee base applies to the entire Communicate Journey. Can be used for an all-company Communicate Journey or filtered for more targeted communications. Read about Creating and Managing Audiences here.

Manual Delivery: The default CXI email setting that requires you to forward CXI generated emails from your own email account.

Message Body Copy: The text found in your campaign communication. What appears in your emails, posters, or text messages that conveys your message to employees.

Messages Delivered: In the Analytics section in Communicate Messages. It is the count of messages that have been successfully delivered to your audience.

Message Variants: An option that allows an administrator to select and create specific messages and/or varied channels for specific audience groups.

Microsoft Teams: An integration enabling CXI to send messages to your company’s Microsoft Teams (MS Teams) channels. If you are interested in setting up MS Teams integration for your company, read our Microsoft Teams Integration article.

Multiple Choice Poll: One of two CXI polling options. Consists of a question that can be answered by selecting one of five answers. Can appear after a piece of content or can exist as a standalone piece of content. Employees’ responses are measured in the Analytics section.


Notification Recipient: Email address designated to receive email notifications such as automatic message reminders, hold or approve messages, and test messages from CXI prior to the campaign message’s delivery.


Personalized Greeting: Emails or SMS from a Communicate Journey can say “Hello [employee name]” at the beginning of each message. Only available with Automatic Delivery.

Public API: A public Application Programming Interface, or public API, simply put, connects your HR system with CXI, so that you can use Automatic Email Delivery. Get started by reading our article here.

Postmark: Third-party Transactional Email Service provider. When setting up Automatic Email Delivery, confirming the sender via Postmark is an integral step. Read more about Automatic Email Delivery here.


QR Code: A bar code image that is scanned by a smartphone that links to a specific CXI content experience.


Recurring Campaign: A setting that allows a Communicate Journey to run multiple campaigns concurrently with different start dates and different audience groups. For example, an onboarding campaign can be started each week for that week’s group of new hires.

Reminder: An automated email prompt sent prior to a campaign message’s delivery that can be scheduled to notify designated Notification Recipients.

Analytics: The section of a Communicate Journey where you can view employee engagement data and polling feedback to gain insight into the effectiveness of your campaign.


Sentiment Rating:  One of two CXI polling options. Consists of a question that can be answered by choosing one to five stars. The rating can appear after a piece of content or can exist as a standalone piece of content. Employees’ responses are measured in the Analytics section.

Preferences: The section where the Communicate Journey’s configurations are managed (campaign type, audience lists, email delivery, channel preferences).

Signature: A configured email signature and logo that will appear at the end of each email for a Communicate Journey. This can be configured in the Preferences section.

Slack: An integration enabling CXI to send messages to your company’s public Slack channels. This integration is currently in Beta. If you are interested in setting up a Slack integration for your company, submit a ticket or contact to get this process started.

SMS Keyword: A unique combination of SMS prefix and system-generated characters that lead your audience to the content experience via posters and postcards.

SPF: An email-authentication technique which is used to prevent spammers from sending messages on behalf of your domain. With SPF an organization to publish authorized mail servers. (Leveraged the DMARC Analyzer definition here.)

Sub-Audience: A segmented list using filters from the Targeted Audience. Sub-Audiences allow you to target specific audiences with messages and content particular to them.

Suggested Content: Content assets designated to appear as “Recommended” according to a response to a poll or rating.


Targeted Audience: A list uploaded to CXI via an HRIS Connector or CSV file that includes company-specific employee information such as email addresses, phone numbers, departments, etc. Filters can be applied to narrow the employee audience. You can create multiple Targeted Audiences.

Targeted Journey: A personalized Communicate Journey that has content and/or messages segmented and directed towards one or more Sub-Audiences, with tailored messaging.

Task: A campaign timeline entry used to track activities outside of CXI that are part of your campaign.

Tivian Communicate XI: Change communication software that enables you to manage, measure, and scale your employee communications, to drive organizational change and achieve your business’ outcomes.

Trackable Asset Link: A CXI-generated web link, text keyword, and QR code that can be used to augment your CXI campaign messaging through newsletters, brochures, etc. Engagement activity is tracked in the Analytics section.

Thumbnails: The image that represents the piece of content throughout the Communicate Journey from administration to the audience-specific content experience.


Unique Users: Summary data in the Analytics section. The number that measures every user who has clicked on content. Note: An employee will count as two unique users if they enter the experience through their desktop, then again through their phone, as each user is counted based on IP visits to CXI.

Users Reached: Summary data in the Analytics section. The count of IP visits to the Communicate Journey via a channel or message.


Web Banner: A campaign channel that allows you to embed a banner on a company’s intranet or other external sites linking to a specific Communicate Journey content experience.

Workato: Third-party integration vendor that Tivian uses to link to HR applications, such as Workday. Read more about HRIS Connector setup here.


What is Tivian Communicate XI (CXI)?

Tivian Communicate XI is a change communication software that enables organizations to manage, measure, and scale employee communications. It helps drive organizational change and achieve business outcomes through targeted messaging and content experiences.

What are some key features of CXI?

Key features of CXI include Communicate Journeys for campaign management, various communication channels (email, text, Slack, web banners), content creation tools, audience targeting capabilities, analytics for measuring engagement, and integrations with HR systems and other platforms.

How does CXI help with audience targeting?

CXI allows for audience targeting through features like Targeted Audiences and Sub-Audiences. Users can upload employee data via CSV files or HRIS Connectors, apply filters based on various attributes (e.g., department, location), and create segmented lists for more personalized communication campaigns.

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