When creating a drag ranking, the variables will receive the code that they are given in the ranking. #1 = Code 1, #2 = Code 2, etc. We can use this coding to make sure that participants only create a “Top 3 Ranking”. In this example, participants are supposed to create a Top 3 out of 5 items. Naturally, you can make changes to this manual, so it fits your needs.
Open image-20210614-135751.png

- On the same page that you created the drag ranking, enter “plausibility checks” in the left menu. Here, create a “standard check”
- Under “definition” select the first variable (of the first item) out of the drag ranking. In my example it is “v_14 (Dimension 1)”.
2.a) To make sure that this variable can’t be placed 4th, we have to define “v_14 (Dimension 1) >= 4”. Now the plausibility check will be activated when someone tries to put this item in 4th place.
- Add another standard check and connect the two checks with “OR”.
- Now select the second item and define it the same way (“v_15 (Dimension 2) >= 4”)
4.a) Repeat this step with all items of your drag ranking.
Open image-20210614-135806.png