The article provides a comprehensive guide to the Analytics section of Tivian Communicate XI’s Journey feature. It explains how to use filters, interpret engagement data, and understand performance metrics. The article covers key areas such as Summary statistics, Daily Engagement charts, and Performance rankings. The guide emphasizes the importance of these analytics in fine-tuning communication strategies and content for better employee engagement.




The Analytics section is where you will find all employee engagement data from a Communicate Journey on Tivian Communicate XI. Analytics from your campaign will provide you with deeper insight to fine-tune your communications and your content to gain stronger engagement.

Note: Mouse over any of the question mark symbols in the Analytics section for a short description. Mouse-over.png


Use filters to narrow down and analyze your employee engagement data. The default filters for every Communicate Journey are Date, Content, and Device. If you have created a Targeted Audience, each column in your CSV, HRIS connector data, or Public API data can be a filter to apply to your results here. This allows you to see your Communicate Journey’s metrics with more granularity.

The filters you select will apply to both the Engagement and Feedback pages.



This page includes your employees’ engagement results receiving campaign messages, entering the content experience, viewing the content, and clicking on Call to Action buttons within the content experience. The main areas of these analytics include Summary, Daily Engagement, and Performance.



This area displays how many emails your users have opened, how many unique users have been reached, how many times the content has been viewed, and how many actions have been taken within your campaign.


Emails Opened

This displays the overall data for all emails opened for that specific Communicate Journey, based on the filters you select. To measure this data, you will need to have Automatic Email Delivery configured, with a Targeted Audience set up. In order to count as an “open,” the viewer must download the pictures in the email.

Note: If you are manually forwarding emails, then you will be unable to track emails opened accurately, due to email client behavior that is out of CXI’s control. Emails sent through Automatic Email Delivery will have more reliable analytics.


Users Reached

This displays how many unique users have clicked on the Call to Action buttons within that Communicate Journey’s campaign messages.

Note: If you are manually forwarding emails, then you will be unable to track users reached accurately, due to email client behavior that is out of CXI’s control. Emails sent through Automatic Email Delivery will have more reliable analytics.

Engaged Views

This displays the amount of viewed content within that Communicate Journey’s content experience.

A view is counted by measuring the following for each content type:

  • Videos: 50% or more watched
  • Infographics: 5 seconds or more viewed
  • PDF: If opened


Actions Taken

This displays how many times users clicked the Call to Action buttons associated with pieces of content in the content experience.

Daily Engagement

This displays how many times users viewed content per day within your filtered date range. The chart also displays message activity over time.


Spark Tip

Generally, engagement numbers tend to decrease after an initial message. To better drive your users into the content experience, drip out your campaign messaging over time. This will encourage your audience to go back into the content experience.


This area ranks the messages and content performance. You can gauge the most and least successful messages and/or content by selecting the High to Low or Low to High buttons.


Emails Opened

This displays which campaign emails were opened the most and least for this Communicate Journey’s content experience.

  • A good email’s opened score will reflect the strength of your email’s subject line.


This displays which campaign messages drove the most and least successful unique users to the linked content.

  • The reach score will reflect the strength of your messaging.


This displays which content received the most and least number of views.

  • This is a good score to use in judging the performance of your videos.


This displays which content titles drove the most and least Call to Action button clicks.

  • Keep in mind you may not have Call to Action buttons on all your content.

Download CSV Button

The Download CSV button enables you to export the Communicate Journey’s engagement analytics in the CSV format. The applied filters determine which data is downloaded from the Analytics page.



This page shows the aggregate responses for the interactive polls and sentiment ratings that were used in a Communicate Journey. Locate your ratings or polls by the title of the content they are attached to or by name if it’s a standalone poll/rating.

Poll results display the total number of votes each choice received as well as a bar graph display to show how it compared to the other choices.

Rating results display the average number of stars that viewers selected, to give you a mean of the overall rating for that question.

Both ratings and polls display the total number of votes received at the bottom of their display area.


Additional Notes

When viewing your Communicate Journey’s analytics, keep the following in mind:

  • If you have an external link selected as your email’s Destination as opposed to a piece of CXI content, it will not track that link’s engagement, as it is outside of the CXI content experience.
  • Due to internet browser behavior outside of Tivian’s control, we can’t guarantee the accuracy of any analytics from embedded content.
  • If an employee interacts within the CXI content experience on their desktop and also on their mobile device, they are counted as two separate unique users.
  • In order to limit Personally Identifiable Information (PII) your results may appear as “unknown” if the audience group is under 10 people.


What types of filters are available in the Analytics section?

The default filters for every Communicate Journey are Date, Content, and Device. If you have created a Targeted Audience, each column in your CSV, HRIS connector data, or Public API data can also be used as a filter, allowing for more granular analysis of your results.

How is an “Engaged View” counted in the analytics?

An Engaged View is counted differently for each content type: for videos, it’s 50% or more watched; for infographics, it’s 5 seconds or more viewed; and for PDFs, it’s counted if opened.

What information does the Download CSV button provide?

The Download CSV button allows you to export the Communicate Journey’s engagement analytics in CSV format. The data downloaded is determined by the filters applied on the Analytics page, providing a customized report of your campaign’s performance.

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