
The Journey Dashboard in Tivian Communicate XI (CXI) is the central hub for managing communication campaigns. It displays all Communicate Journeys a user has access to, organized into Active and Archived tabs. Users can view, edit, archive, and create new journeys from this dashboard. The article explains how to navigate the dashboard, archive journeys, and add new ones, emphasizing the importance of user roles and permissions in these processes.


Journey Dashboard

When you first log into your Tivian Communicate XI (CXI) account, you will land on the Journey Dashboard page. This is where all of the Communicate Journeys for your company’s CXI account are listed. You will only be able to view the Communicate Journeys whose team you are a part of. If you are not a part of a Communicate Journey’s team, you will not see the Communicate Journey listed.

The Communicate Journey tiles are displayed alphabetically in both the Active and Archived tabs. If you want to edit the title for a Communicate Journey, you can do so in that Communicate Journey’s Preferences section.


The icon in the lower left of a Communicate Journey tile, is another way to open into its campaign. You can also click on the tile itself.


Journey archiving

Once a campaign has run its course or is no longer needed, you can archive it. There are two tabs on the Journey Dashboard. The Active tab consists of all Communicate Journeys with campaigns that are currently active. The Archived tab is for Communicate Journeys that are complete or no longer needed.

Changing a Communicate Journey from active to archived


Only Owners of a Communicate Journey team can archive a Communicate Journey.

  1. To change a Communicate Journey from active to archived, you need to go to the Preferences section of that Communicate Journey.

2. Under Archive Journey, there is a toggle, that when selected archives your Communicate Journey.


When you go back to the Journey Dashboard, your Communicate Journey will now be located in the Archived tab. To move it back to active, simply go back to the Preferences section and follow the steps above.

If you archive a Communicate Journey, any scheduled messages will be paused and won’t be sent unless you move it back to active. Any messages that were already sent will still be accessible, along with their links.

The Communicate Planner will only show active Communicate Journeys’ scheduled campaign messages.

If you have audience integrations, via an HRIS Connector or Public API, and archive a Communicate Journey, they will remain unchanged.

Spark Tip

If you are going to need a similar campaign setup to one that you have archived, you can copy an archived Communicate Journey, and then move it to active. This way you can compare the analytics for both campaigns.

Adding a new Communicate Journey

Note: Owners of existing Communicate Journeys are the only team members who can add a Communicate Journey.

  1. Start by clicking the Add a Journey button in the Active tab.

You will then be able to build out your campaign from scratch. Read the Building Your Campaign article to get started.


How are Communicate Journeys organized on the dashboard?

Communicate Journeys are displayed alphabetically in both the Active and Archived tabs. Users can only view journeys for teams they are a part of. The journey tiles show basic information, and clicking on a tile or its icon opens the campaign details.

Who can archive a Communicate Journey and what happens when it’s archived?

Only Owners of a Communicate Journey team can archive a journey. When archived, scheduled messages are paused, but sent messages and their links remain accessible. Archived journeys move to the Archived tab and can be reactivated if needed.

How can I add a new Communicate Journey?

Only Owners of existing Communicate Journeys can add new ones. To add a journey, click the “Add a Journey” button in the Active tab of the Journey Dashboard. This allows you to build a new campaign from scratch.

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