This article discusses personalization in employee communications using Tivian Communicate XI (CXI). It explains the importance of targeting messages to specific employee groups, provides examples of organizational and location-based segmentation, and outlines the benefits of audience segmentation. The article also offers guidance on planning for effective segmentation in communication strategies.



Sending a single message to all your employees may get the job done, but too often we try to address the concerns of many different groups and the result is too generalized – or just too long.

Tivian Communicate XI (CXI) lets you easily target your communications and deliver different versions of your content to specific groups, ultimately making your communication journey more personal and relevant for your employees. This might take the form of a unique message sent to new hires, or a slightly different benefits video version for your labor union members – how you personalize is up to you and your company’s structure.

To get started, think about the groups that make up your organization:


  • Executive, Management, Individual contributors
  • Different Departments
  • Full time vs Contractor or Part-time
  • Union Vs. Non-Union
  • New Hire vs. Long-Term Employee


  • Office vs Remote
  • Regions
  • Countries
  • Different Equipment
  • Office vs. Deskless workers (field or factory floor)
  • Call centers

Why segment your audience?

  • Different employees have different circumstances and benefits. Targeting email and texts only to the group your message applies to means your employees will get fewer messages in total. And, the messages they do receive will be specifically relevant to them, making them more likely to read your messages in the future.
  • Targeted communications are shorter. Since you don’t have to cover all the angles for every group, your messages and content can get straight to the point.
  • When you create Sub-Audiences on CXI, you can view how those specific groups are engaging with your messaging and content in the Results section.

Planning for Segmentation

Before you start segmenting your audience, take a moment to think about what you need to communicate. How can you best serve your employees’ needs? Will certain employee groups be impacted differently than others? Are there additional details that only certain groups will need? Depending on your answers to these questions, it may be easier to create separate journey campaigns entirely. Conversely, if sending different messages or creating different content won’t aid your particular communications, you might want to use Sub-Audiences only as tool to monitor your results. You will still get great insights and perhaps discover things that can help you in future communications.


What is the main purpose of personalizing employee communications?

The main purpose of personalizing employee communications is to make messages more relevant and effective by targeting specific groups within an organization. This approach helps deliver more tailored content, reduces overall message volume, and increases engagement with communications.

What are some examples of employee groups that can be targeted for personalized communications?

Examples of employee groups that can be targeted include organizational segments (such as executives, managers, and individual contributors), location-based groups (like office vs. remote workers or different regions), and employment status (full-time vs. part-time, union vs. non-union, new hires vs. long-term employees).

How does Tivian Communicate XI (CXI) support personalized communications?

Tivian Communicate XI (CXI) allows users to create Sub-Audiences, which enables the targeting of specific employee groups with tailored messages and content. It also provides analytics in the Results section to track how these specific groups engage with the personalized communications.

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