
The Experience section in Tivian’s platform is the central hub for managing content in engagement campaigns. It serves as a content library where users can add and organize various types of media including videos, images, PDFs, content headers, polls, and ratings.

The section is structured with a parent-child relationship, allowing for a hierarchical arrangement of content. It provides tools for content management, including options to set defaults, add new content, and edit existing items.

The interface includes a legend of icons to help users navigate and understand the different content types and features available.


You must hold the permission status of Owner or Editor to upload video or other content, create polls and ratings, or administer call to action buttons. Read more about team access and permissions here.



The Experience section is the center of your engagement efforts. It is the content library, where you can add and manage your campaign’s videos, images, PDFs, content headers, multiple choice polls, and sentiment ratings.


Content headers and content are arranged or mapped, within the system like a flowchart, with relevant content headers/content attached to content headers/content before it. We call this the parent/child relationship, with the attached content headers/content being the child and the content headers/content higher up in the flowchart being the parent.

If a parent content header or piece of content is unpublished or unavailable, all of its children will also be unavailable.


Tivian recommends no more than 5 child pieces per parent piece.


Legend list

The Experience section contains many icons. This legend list breaks down what each icon means in this section.

Delivery Times


This button displays the account’s time zone and send times that have been set by a Site Administrator. To learn more about Send Times, read the Default Send Times article.

Set Defaults

Owners and editors can set default Call to Action buttons and sentiment rating questions by clicking the pencil icon, in the Default area at the top of the Experience section.


Add content headers/content/polls/ratings

  • Select Content to add a piece of content.
  • Select Content header to add a content header.
  • Select Rating to add a standalone sentiment rating.
  • Select Poll to add a standalone multiple choice poll.

Read the Upload and Publish articles to learn how to add pieces of content to your content experience. Read the Content Header article for more information on content headers.


Icons on thumbnails

Copy link 


This button opens the Share tab which includes the share link, thumbnail download, and QR code.



This button opens the editing window for that specific piece of content, with the Content, Action, Feedback, and Share tabs. To learn more about these tabs and editing your content, read the Upload and Publish articles.



Video content will have a play button in the bottom-right-corner of the video’s thumbnail. Click the button to preview how the video will look within the content experience.



Images and PDFs will have a document button in the bottom-right-corner of the image/PDF’s thumbnail. Click the button to preview how the image/PDF will look within the content experience.

Content header


Content headers will have an architecture button in the bottom-right corner of the content header’s thumbnail. Click the button to preview how the content header will look within the content experience.

Multiple choice polls


Pieces of content that have a multiple choice poll, following the viewing of the content within the content experience, will have this icon in the top-right-corner.



Pieces of content that have a sentiment rating, following the viewing of the content within the content experience, will have this icon in the top-right-corner.

Standalone multiple choice polls


Multiple choice polls that are not linked to a piece of content, and are themselves standalone pieces of content will have this icon in the bottom-right-corner of the thumbnail. Click the button to preview how the standalone poll will look within the content experience.

Standalone ratings


Sentiment ratings that are not linked to a piece of content, and are themselves standalone pieces of content will have this icon in the bottom-right-corner of the thumbnail. Click the button to preview how the standalone rating will look within the content experience.


What types of content can be added to the Experience section?

The Experience section allows users to add various types of content including videos, images, PDFs, content headers, multiple choice polls, and sentiment ratings. Users can also create standalone polls and ratings.

How is content organized in the Experience section?

Content is organized in a parent-child relationship, similar to a flowchart. Content headers and content pieces can be attached to other content headers or content, creating a hierarchical structure. This allows for a logical flow of information within campaigns.

What permissions are required to manage content in the Experience section?

To upload video or other content, create polls and ratings, or administer call to action buttons, users must have the permission status of Owner or Editor. These permissions allow full management of content within the Experience section.

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