This article provides comprehensive information about tracking variables in EFS (Enterprise Feedback Suite). It covers various types of tracking variables, their meanings, and how they are used to monitor panelist behavior and survey participation.


Tracking variables are essential for understanding panelist engagement and survey performance. This guide explains the different tracking variables available in EFS, their data types, and their specific purposes.

Note: All tracking data explained below covers at most the 380-day default interval. This applies, in particular, to counter variables e.g. track_num_completed: This value is the number of all completed panel and master data surveys during the last 380 days. 

VariableMeaningExport variableData typeDescription
track_date_avgratinggivenDate of the last rating given DateFrom EFS 10.3: Date of last rating given. This date is technically necessary for tracking the average values.
track_date_avgratingreceivedDate of the last rating received DateFrom EFS 10.3: Date of last rating received. This date is technically necessary for tracking the average values.
track_date_completedLast completed surveymodcplDateDate of the last completed survey. Is set when the panelist reaches the final page of a panel or master data survey and is assigned status 31 or 32.
track_date_completedcustomoneNumber of custom completed surveys (Disposition code 33) DateCustomized track_date_completed value.
track_date_completedcustomtwoNumber of custom completed surveys (Disposition code 34) DateCustomized track_date_completed value.
track_date_creditDate of last allocation of bonus points DateDate of the last allocation of bonus points.
track_date_invitedLast invitationmodinvDateDate of the last invitation to a panel or master data survey.The first mail sent to the panelist in a project is regarded as an invitation, all subsequent mails are counted as reminders. It does not matter if you send the mail from inside a sample or if the dispatch is triggered by an update rule.
track_date_qualityLast quality problemmodqulDateDate of the last quality problem. Currently, a quality problem is defined as the panelist’s quality correction value being smaller than 0.2. This requires activation and triggering of quality correction in the respective survey.There are plans to develop a more advanced definition of “quality” for tracking purposes for a future release.
track_date_quotedLast rejection due to closed quotamodqutDateDate of the last rejection due to closed quota. This rejection occurs when a panelist is assigned status 35, 36 or 41 upon reaching the final page in a panel or master data survey.
track_date_ratinggivenDate of the last rating given DateFrom EFS 10.3: Date of last rating given.
track_date_ratingreceivedDate of the last rating received DateFrom EFS 10.3: Date of last rating received.
track_date_remindedLast remindermodremDateDate of the last reminder of a panel or master data survey. Each repeat mail sent to the panelist in a project is regarded as a reminder (i.e. as of the second mail all subsequent mails are reminders).
track_date_sampledLast sample membershipmodsamDateDate of the last inclusion of a panelist into the sample of a panel or master data survey. (The sample “Internal” is considered, too.)
track_date_screenedLast screenoutmodscnDateDate of the last screen-out. A screen-out occurs when a panelist is assigned status 37 upon reaching the final page in a panel or master data survey.
track_date_screenedcustomoneDate of last custom screen-outs (Disposition code 38) DateCustomized track_date_screened value.
track_date_screenedcustomthreeDate of last custom screen-outs (Disposition code 40) DateCustomized track_date_screened value.
track_date_screenedcustomtwoDate of last custom screen-outs (Disposition code 39) DateCustomized track_date_screened value.
track_date_startedLast survey startmodstrDateDate of the last survey start. This covers the following cases:a panelist starts a survey.a panelist restarts a survey after reset with/without deletion of data.a panelist restarts a survey when multiple participation is permitted.
track_date_unavailLast unavailabilitymodunlDateDate of the last unavailability of the panelist.Unavailability (disposition code 15) is manually assigned by the admin in the Sample menu of a panel or master data survey on the Sample contents tab.If the EFS mail server already fails when trying to send a mail, e.g. due to a faulty mail address, then unavailability is assigned automatically.
track_date_unavail_customoneDate of last custom availability (Disposition code 18) DateCustomized track_date_unavail value.
track_date_unavail_customtwoDate of last custom availability (Disposition code 19) DateCustomized track_date_unavail value.
track_num_avgratinggivenAverage rating given  From EFS 10.3: Average value of the ratings given by the panelist.
track_num_avgratinggiven1, 2, 3The average rating given(  From EFS 10.3: Average value of the ratings given by the panelist, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_avgratingreceivedAverage rating received  From EFS 10.3: Average value of the ratings received by the panelist.
track_num_avgratingreceived1, 2, 3Average rating received (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)  From EFS 10.3: Average value of the ratings received by the panelist, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_completedNumber of completed surveysnumcplCounterNumber of all the surveys the panelist has completed within the last 380 days. This includes only panel and master data surveys in which the panelist has reached the final page and was assigned status 31 or 32. Each project is counted only once, i.e. several completions of the same project (e.g. in case of multiple participation) do not count repeatedly.
track_num_completed1, 2, 3Number of completed surveys (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numcpl1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_completed value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_completedcusomoneNumber of completed surveys (Disposition code 33)numcplcustomoneCounterCustomized track_num_completed value.
track_num_completedcusomone1, 2, 3Number of completed surveys (Disposition code 33) (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numcplcustomone1, 2, 3CounterCustomized track_num_completed value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_completedcusomtwoNumber of completed surveys (Disposition code 34)numcplcustomtwoCounterCustomized track_num_completed value.
track_num_completedcusomtwo1, 2, 3Number of completed surveys (Disposition code 34) (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numcplcustomtwo1, 2, 3CounterCustomized track_num_completed value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_creditReceived bonus points CounterFrom EFS 10.3: Number of bonus points received.
track_num_credit1, 2, 3Received bonus points (last4/8/12 weeks) CounterFrom EFS 10.3: track_num_credit value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_incompleteNumber of incomplete surveysnumincCounter, derivedtrack_num_started-track_num_completed-track_num_- screened-track_num_quotedPlease note: If a panelist participates repeatedly in a survey and reaches various statuses on the final pages, e.g. first 37, later 31, this can result in a negative value or 0. Therefore, the results are limited to the range 0…n. If the result of the calculation is < 0, then 0 will be displayed.
track_num_invitedNumber of invitationsnuminvCounterSum total of invitations to panel or master data surveys within the last 380 days.The first mail sent to the panelist in a project is considered an invitation. Please mind:The first mail is categorized as “Invitation” independent of the mail template type and the function used for dispatch.The second and all following emails are usually counted as reminders in “track_num_reminded”.Another mail from the same project will only be categorized and counted as an “Invitation”, if, for example, a sample was deleted after the dispatch of the invitations, then a new sample was created and a panelist was invited anew.
track_num_invited1, 2, 3Number of invitations (last4/8/12 weeks)numinv1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_invited value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_qualityNumber of quality problemsnumqulCounterSum total of quality problems. A quality problem is defined as the panelist’s quality correction value being smaller than 0.1. Repeated quality problems of a panelist in the same project are not counted repeatedly.
track_num_quality1, 2, 3Number of quality problems (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numqul1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_quality value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_quotedNumber of rejections due to closed quotanumqutCounterSum of rejections due to closed quota. A rejection occurs when a panelist is assigned status 35, 36 or 41 upon reaching the final page in a panel or master data survey. Repeated rejections of the panelists in the same project (multiple participation) are not counted repeatedly.
track_num_quoted1, 2, 3Number of rejections due to closed quota (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numqut1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_quoted value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_ratinggivenNumber of ratings given( CounterFrom EFS 10.3: Number of the ratings given by the panelist.
track_num_ratinggiven1, 2, 3Number of ratings given (last4/8/12 weeks) CounterFrom EFS 10.3: Number of the ratings given by the panelist, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_ratingreceivedNumber of ratings received CounterFrom EFS 10.3: Number of the ratings received by the panelist.
track_num_ratingreceived1, 2, 3Number of ratings received (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks) CounterFrom EFS 10.3: Number of the ratings received by the panelist, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_remindedNumber of remindersnumremCounterSum of reminders of panel or master data surveys within the last 380 days. All follow-up mails sent to the panelist in a project are considered reminders (i.e. at least one mail has already been sent to the panelist from that project). Multiple reminders are counted multiple times.
track_num_reminded1, 2, 3Number of reminders (last 4 weeks)numrem1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_reminded value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_sampledNumber of sample membershipsnumsamCounterNumber of sample memberships (assignments to samples) of the panelists in panel and master data surveys within the last 380 days. The membership is established by drawing a sample (regardless of whether the project is active and in the field) or by assigning the panelist to a sample by other means (update rules, panelist administration, registration on the website, adding of the tester). Only one membership per project is included in the count.
track_num_sampled1, 2, 3Number of sample memberships (last 4 weeks)numsam1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_sampled value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_screened Number of screen-outsnumscnCounterNumber of all screen-outs. A screen-out occurs when a panelist is assigned status 37 upon reaching the final page in a panel or master data survey. Repeated screen-outs of the panelist in the same project (multiple participation) are not counted repeatedly.
track_num_screened1, 2, 3Number of screen-outs (last 4/ 8 / 12 weeks)numscn1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_screened value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_screenedcustomoneNumber of screen-outs (Disposition code 38)numscncustomoneCounterCustomized track_num_screened value.
track_num_screenedcustomone1, 2, 3Number of screen-outs (Disposition code 38) (last 4/ 8 / 12 weeks)numscncustomone1, 2, 3CounterCustomized track_num_screened value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_screenedcustomthreeNumber of screen-outs (Disposition code 40)numscncustomthreeCounterCustomized track_num_screened value.
track_num_screenedcustomthree1, 2, 3Number of screen-outs (Disposition code 40) (last 4/ 8 / 12 weeks)numscncustomthree1, 2, 3CounterCustomized track_num_screened value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_screenedcustomtwoNumber of screen-outs (Disposition code 39)numscncustomtwoCounterCustomized track_num_screened value.
track_num_screenedcustomtwo1, 2, 3Number of screen-outs (Disposition code 39) (last 4/ 8 / 12 weeks)numscncustomtwo1, 2, 3CounterCustomized track_num_screened value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_startedNumber of survey startsnumstrCounterNumber of all survey starts within the last 380 days. This covers the following cases:a panelist starts a survey.a panelist restarts a survey after reset with/without deletion of data.a panelist restarts a survey when multiple participation is permitted.Repeated survey starts of the panelists in the same project (multiple participation) are not counted repeatedly.
track_num_started1, 2, 3Number of survey starts (last 4 / 8 /12 weeks)numstr1, 2, 3Countertrack_num_started value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_unavailNumber of unavailabilitiesnumunlCounterNumber of all unavailabilities within the last 380 days. Unavailability is manually assigned by the admin to individual members of a sample. If mail cannot be delivered to the receiving server, this is regarded as unavailability as well, and the status is changed automatically by the system. Repeated unavailabilities in a project are not counted repeatedly.
track_num_unavail1, 2, 3Number of unavailabilities (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numunl1Countertrack_num_unavail value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_unavailcustomoneNumber of unavailabilities (Disposition code 18)numunlcustomoneCounterCustomized track_num_unavail value.
track_num_unavailcustomone1, 2, 3Number of unavailabilities (Disposition code 18) (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numunlcustomone1, 2, 3CounterCustomized track_num_unavail value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_num_unavailcustomtwoNumber of unavailabilities (Disposition code 19)numunlcustomtwoCounterCustomized track_num_unavail value.
track_num_unavailcustomtwo1, 2, 3Number of unavailabilities (Disposition code 19) (last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks)numunlcustomtwo1, 2, 3CounterCustomized track_num_unavail value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_rel_completedProportion of completed surveysrelcplProbability (0..1), derivedtrack_num_completed/track_num_sampledIf a panelist has completed more surveys in the period under review than he had sample memberships, the value might be greater than 1. Therefore, the results are limited to the range 0…n. If the result of the calculation is > 1, then 1 will be displayed.
track_rel_completed1, 2, 3The proportion of completed surveys (last 4 weeks)relcpl1, 2, 3Probability (0..1), derivedtrack_rel_completed value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.
track_rel_startedProportion of started surveysrelstrProbability (0..1), derivedtrack_num_started/track_num_sampledIf a panelist had more survey starts than sample memberships in the period under review, the value might be greater than 1. Therefore, the results are limited to the range 0…n. If the result of the calculation is > 1, then 1 will be displayed.
track_rel_started1, 2, 3The proportion of started surveys (last 4 weeks)relstr1, 2, 3Probability (0..1), derivedtrack_rel_completed value, restricted to the last 4 / 8 / 12 weeks.


What time period do the tracking variables cover?

Most tracking variables cover a maximum period of 380 days by default.

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